Funny Scenarios Part 4

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Ray as a kid: I can't wait till I'm grown up so I can stay up late EVERY NIGHT.
Ray, age 16, crawling into bed at 6:30pm: Oh thank God.


Pico: I'm not mad, I just want to know why you two would need a fake ID.
Ray: *incoherent mumbling*
Pico: Huh?
Mateo: You need to be over 18 at Petco to hold the puppies.


Ben: Words that end with -ie are so cute! Like, "cutie", "sweetie", "cookie".
Ray: "Die".
Ben: No.


*Pico and Ben helping Ray with her homework*
Ben: I'll give you a scenario, if you have 10 animal crackers and someone takes 2, how many are you left with?
Ray: 10.
Pico: You're close, try again.
Ray: 10.
Ben: You're counting down.
Ray: 10.
Pico: Say something other than 10.
Ray: Diez.
Pico: What if someone tries to take it by force?
Ray: 10, and a dead body.
*Ben and Pico shocked*
Pico: We probably should've seen that coming.


Pico: Why did you guys get arrested?
Neo: We honestly don't know.
B3: Yeah! We did nothing wrong!
Ben: They got pulled over and when the officer said "paper", B3 said "scissors" and drove off.


Ben: Truth or dare?
Ray: Truth.
Ben: How many hours have you slept this week?
Ray: Dare.
Pico: Go to sleep.
Ray: I don't like this game.


B3: Do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Pico: You're a hazard to society.
Neo: And a coward, do 20.


*B3 trying to do magic tricks for Ray*
B3: Pick a card, any card!
Ray: Ok.
B3: Wait! That's my credit card!
Ray: You said any card.


B3: Talk dirty to me.
Neo: The kitchen sink.
Neo: You didn't wash the dishes.
B3: :(


Ray: *Bursts into room and slams the door shut clearly panicked*
Pico: Oh shit, what did you do?


Ben, admiring Pico from afar: Wow...who is he?
B3, whispering in Ben's ear: That baddie is a high maintenance, cold hearted, machine that-
Neo: The person next to the refrigerator B3, not the actual refrigerator.
B3: Oh.


Student: *Flirts with Ben*
Pico: *Staring at them silently*
Grace: You're really quiet today, Pico.
Pico: *still staring* Nobody plans a murder out loud.


Grace: Ok one more time, you said you asked B3 and Neo if they wanted some Mac and cheese.
Pico: Yup.
Grace: They said no.
Pico: Also yup.
Grace: .....So you made Mac and cheese.
Pico: Go on.
Grace: And they came down and took a bowl of it which you-
Pico: Took my fucking Mac and cheese back from that bitch and told them to make their own damn cheesy noodles.
Grace: But when Ben asked for some...?
Pico: *Throws hands in the air*
Pico: What did you expect me to do, let him STARVE??


Ben: You're smiling, did something good happen?
Pico: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Neo: B3 tripped and fell in the parking lot.

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