Ben meets Nene and Darnell

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Request by Sakura_45282683, I hope you like it.

Ben and Pico were walking in the park enjoying each other's company, the other day Pico asked him if he wanted to meet his friends. Ben agreed though he's pretty nervous, what are they like? What if they changed?

"Babe are you ok?"
"Are you nervous about meeting them?"
"Don't worry they're cool. Both are dumbasses but cool."
Pico looked at Ben seeing him frown a little.
"One time we skipped class because Darnell was hungry so we went to McDonald's, everything was fine until he took a nugget from Nene. She got mad and took a fry from him, they ended up getting into a argument which turned into a food fight. We got kicked out." Pico snickered.
Ben starting laughing feeling himself get less tensed about meeting them. Pico talked about his other adventures with Nene and Darnell to calm Ben down which was working.
"Heya Pico!" A girl ran at Pico with full speed and hugged him.
Pico almost fell but he regained his balance.
"Are you trying to kill me?" Pico hugged her back.
"Heavens no, unless you steal my food." The girl giggled, she noticed Ben standing behind Pico.
She gasped dramatically.
"Is this the baby you've been telling us about? He's so adorable!" She poked Ben's cheek.
"Yeah." Pico put her down.
"Yo Pico." A boy came walking up to them and held his fist out.
"Sup." Pico held his out and they fist bumped each other.
"Who's the shorty?"
"You idiot, Pico's been telling us about the bean for a while now." The girl scoffed.
"I know I was just joking."
"Now's your chance." Pico pulled his bandana down and smiled at Ben.
Ben looked up at him and turned slightly red, he moved from behind Pico.
"My name is B-Benjamin Fairest, i-it's nice to meet you." Ben played with the drawstrings on his hoodie and looked at his shoes.
"Hmm...." The boy put his finger on his chin and hand on his hip, after a minute he snapped.
"Oh you're that missing kid, looks like I found you."
All three of them looked at the boy dumbfounded.
"How dumb are you? You didn't find him, if anyone did I found him first." The girl made a smug face.
"You're both idiots I swear." Pico facepalmed.
They both looked at Pico and gasped dramatically.
"How dare you!" They both pouted.
"No wait idiot isn't the right word. You're both dumbasses." Pico smirked.
"How could you I thought we had something special." The boy wiped fake tears.
"Calling your two lovers dumbasses, you brute." The girl fake cried.
Ben was confused.
"I have a boyfriend, wait... since when were we lovers?" Pico asked confused.
"Now you pretend you don't have lovers how cruel."
"Yeah- wait four people... that's a org-"
"Please shut the fuck up." Pico interrupted him.
"Stop saying weird shit and introduce yourselves." Pico sighed.
"Okie dokie! I'm Nene pleasure meeting you!" She smiled.
"I'm Darnell nice to meet you, hmm... you're cute. Wanna go out?" Darnell winked and lifted Ben's chin up.
"E-Eh..." Ben was confused.
Pico wrapped his arms around Ben and backed away from Darnell.
"I'll fuck you up." Pico glared at Darnell.
"You won't fuck me up, you don't even do it in bed-"
"Don't talk like that in front of the baby boi!!" Nene slapped the back of Darnell's head.
"Ow! damn ok!"
"Now apologize." Nene smiled.
"I said fucking apologize." She glared at him.
"Ok ok I'm sorry."
"I-It's fine." Ben smiled.
"Now that he accepted your apology let's go get ice cream!" Nene ran off.
"Hey you cheater!" Darnell ran after her.
"Sorry about Darnell he always makes jokes like that."
"It's ok, they both seem nice." Ben smiled at Pico.
"Yeah they are." Pico smiled, he let go of Ben and held his hand.
"We should catch up with them before they do something stupid." Pico chuckled.
"Ok." Ben giggled.

They started walking and soon caught up with them, a couple minutes later they got to the ice cream shop. They got their ice cream and stood in the outside area.

"Hey yours looks good, can I have some?" Nene asked.
"Sure." Ben smiled.
"Yay thank you!" She grabbed a spoon and ate some.
"As thanks you can have some candy." Nene grabbed a couple pieces of candy and put it in his hand.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome bean-" Nene stopped mid sentence because she saw Darnell take her cherry.
"How dare you."
"It was only a cherry-"
Nene took a huge bite of his ice cream cone.
"W-What the fuck?!"
"Mother fucker stop stealing my food." Nene pouted.
"It was just a cherry, you ate most of it! Look!" Darnell only had a little bit of the cone left.
"Karma bitch." She flipped him off.
"W-What?! Pico she's tripping right?! Help me out here!"
"Hell no, last time I got involved she popped off on me. Good luck." Pico gave Darnell a thumbs up.
Ben just watched them argue.
"You bastard!"
"You'll be fine." Pico said.
"You owe me another cherry."
"You owe me another ice cream, look at this! Hungry ass nearly ate the whole damn thing!" Darnell yelled.
They kept arguing, Pico whispered in Ben's ear.
"I'm sorry Softie but we might get kicked out because of them."
"E-Eh?" Ben totally forgot Pico mentioned them getting into a similar situation like this before.
While they were arguing Darnell threw the rest of his cone at Nene.
"You done fucked up." Pico sighed.
Nene threw her ice cream in Darnell's face.
Pico crouched down and pulled Ben down with him getting ready for the storm coming.
"You owe me another ice cream!"
"I don't owe you shit!" Darnell threw a random cup he found on the table at her.
Then they started throwing random shit they could find at each other while Ben and Pico avoided the crossfire, after a few minutes of them fighting a worker came and kicked them out.
"Let's go to the park next!" Nene said.
"Ok I'm down."
"Yay another place to get kicked out of." Pico said sarcastically.
"He started it!"
"Nah uh she did!"
Nene and Darnell started arguing again.
"Hey. It was both of you."
"No it wasn't-"
"Shh! If you guys forgot Softie is still here, apologize."
"I'm sorry." Nene walked over to Ben and squished his cheeks.
"My bad."
"It's ok." Ben smiled.
"Are you guys gonna behave?"
"Yes." They said at the same time.
"Ok let's go." Pico held Ben's hand and started walking.
"Ok daddy." Darnell smirked.
Nene giggled and so did Ben.
"Stop playing bro." Pico stopped walking and looked back at Darnell.
"Oh please you like it, or should I call you by your contact name?"
Pico froze for a bit and came back to reality.
"No the fuck you- Darnell I'll beat your ass if you kept that as my contact name."
"Go ahead." Darnell grinned.
Pico just looked at him before grabbing Ben's hand and walking away.
"Hey wait for me!" Nene ran after them.
Darnell laughed and went after them, a couple minutes later they arrived at the park.

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