The Very Last Day (Part 2)

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PREPARE YOURSELF - this is an emotional chapter. As a child of abandonment, I wrote to my heart's content. 

Word Count: 4697

June 2008

Nobody's POV

A knock from the door jam pulled Lizzie out of her overthinking thoughts. "Hey," Mary Kate offered a small greeting.

"Hi, sorry, she was really worked up," Lizzie replied, trying to validate her current situation since it wasn't normal for her and Alexis to be in Mary Kate's bed.

"It's fine, I don't mind," Mary Kate waved off her worrisome tone with the faintest smile. It was a cute sight, seeing Lizzie be a parent but she knew what was going on and that was shattering everyone's hearts.

"The compression helps," Lizzie added in relation to Mary Kate's weighted blanket that they were currently laying under.

"Ahh, so that's why you chose my room," Mary Kate obliged.

"Yeah, and she's asleep," Lizzie commented to hopefully stall whatever caravan of people might be coming up.

"Not a problem, Ash and I will try to keep them occupied. You stay here, maybe take a nap with her?" Mary Kate suggested, noticing the considerable bags underneath Lizzie's eyes.

"Thanks," Lizzie nodded in agreement before Mary Kate left the room closing the door behind her.

Lizzie shuffled the blankets around with her free hand before trying to close her own eyes with the constant reminder to herself that Alexis was still with her. The mother-daughter duo was soon out like a light with the quiet sounds of Alexis sucking her thumb and their soft snores.

When Lizzie woke about an hour later, it was because her weight on top of her was shifting. "What's wrong, Allie?" Lizzie asked squinting her eyes at the small child.

"I gotta go potty, Mama, rweally bawdly," Alexis complained trying to get out from under the heavy blankets.

"Okay, let me help," Lizzie obliged, pushing the blankets off the duo before scooping her out of the bed and heading to Ashley's room which had the closest bathroom. They made it just in time, Alexis was beaming at the success while Lizzie was relieved that she didn't have to explain any accident to her parents.

After going to the bathroom, Lizzie knew they couldn't hide upstairs any longer, so she reluctantly led a clingy Alexis back down the stairs where the whole family was gathered. The twins had taken to pulling out their laptops to check their emails on the couch while Dave was intensely watching some baseball game on the TV after finishing up a list of Alexis's habits for John. Jarnette and Dave wanted to do everything they could to keep him from needing Lizzie.

"Look who finally decided to join us," Dave chuckled at the sight of the two with sleepy-dazed expressions.

"Sorry, we ended up taking a morning nap," Lizzie replied strangely feeling the urge to apologize, to be the people pleaser her parents had thought they raised.

"No worries, we're gonna go out for a nice dinner but in the meantime, Mom went to go pick up lunch," Dave informed the younger girls.

"Hi, little one how was your nap?" Mary-Kate asked picking up the dazed Alexis who easily curled into her, just wanting to enjoy any sort of comfort.

"Okay," Alexis answered quietly.

"Good afternoon, little AC," Ashley smiled at the little girl after she set her laptop aside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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