Just One Month (Part 1)

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TW: needles

Word count; 3419
August 2007/May 2007

Nobody's POV

"I hawte doctwors, I hawte doctwors, I hawte doctwors," Alexis muttered on the walk to her new pediatrician.

"You've gotta stop saying that," Lizzie chuckled as she swung their clasped hands back and forth.

"Lizzie, you say no doctwors, no more," Alexis reminded her thinking back to their last doctor visit in LA, which was also pretty unpleasant for the both of them. Lizzie had never gone to the doctor with Alexis, so she had no idea what to do and Alexis's fear of needles just continued to add to that overwhelming stress.

"I didn't say that. I was explaining that the doctors were all gone for the day," Lizzie defended herself, as a memory from that day flashed in her mind.


"I want my mommy, I want mommy," Alexis cried loudly trying to roll away from the nurse who was doing her best to give her last shot as quickly as possible.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, you're okay," Lizzie tried her best to comfort the sobbing toddler but she was freaking out herself, newly eighteen and having no idea how to parent or calm a child in this manner. It had only been a couple of weeks and here she was playing house, taking Alexis to the doctor.

"I want mommy," Alexis sobbed, whole body sobs, as she continued to scream and squirm. Lizzie couldn't agree with here more, she also wanted her friend back.

"Alexis, you're okay, Lizzie is right beside you. She's here with you, can you hold her hand?" the nurse stepped in to direct the pair.

"I've got you," Lizzie spoke gently pushing away her own feelings about missing Kayli.

"Mommy?" Alexis's sobs began to settle but she was still calling for Kayli. As soon as her heart rate lowered and squirming stilled, the nurse moved quickly, poking her with the needle and pushing in the vaccine as fast as possible.

"Ahhh-Noooo!" Alexis screamed at the feeling as Lizzie tried to hold her in place. The nurse had a stronghold of her thigh to keep her from dislodging the needle on accident. She removed the needle about as quickly as it went in before placing a looney tunes bandaid over the spot.

The nurse left the room shortly after, knowing that kids don't tend to like her after she gives them their shots. "All done, we're all done," Lizzie cooed while pulling Alexis into her grasp. Alexis continued to sob loudly as she clung to Lizzie for comfort.

"Shh, shh it's okay, sweet girl, we're all done, no more doctors today," Lizzie bounced her gently as she paced around the small examination room.

"No mowre, no more,"  Alexis sobbed into Lizzie's shirt. Wrapping her legs around Lizzie's waist as she dug her head into the space between Lizzie's chest and neck, Alexis kept trying to snuggle closer.

"I'm right here," Lizzie reminded her gently, giving her a tight squeeze.

"I-I I hawve an accwident," Alexis cried, slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay, let's go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up then we can go home and watch some toons?" Lizzie decided as she leaned forward a little to check her pull-up.

"No potty, I a bad Awlexis," she answered in between cries.

"You're not bad. It just an accident. Do you want me to change you here?" Lizzie suggested, they were in a doctor's office after all. Alexis nodded her head a slow yes, so Lizzie moved her back to the table. Laying her down before taking off the wet pullup and helping her get into a clean one.

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