The Holiday Series (Part 2)

452 20 10

Word count: 4652

December 2007

Alexis woke to bright lights and loud noises as she nuzzled into the warmth of Lizzie's jacket which she only then realized was secured around her.

"Good morning," Lizzie cooed as she felt Alexis start moving in her arms.

"Hmm," Alexis groaned sleepily.

"I know it's really early for you," Lizzie laughed a little as she bounced Alexis in her arms. They were at the airport, JFK to be exact getting ready to head home for Christmas. It was only going to be a short trip, no more than a handful of days. Unfortunately the cheapest flight they could book was leaving at seven in the morning so they had to get up at four, well Lizzie had too. Alexis was still sleeping and unfortunately she had outgrown the baby carrier. Lizzie was rolling their shared suitcase and backpack stacked on top in one hand with her purse hanging off her shoulder and Alexis securely held on the other side.

"Mama, I wanna sleep," Alexis complained in a groggy voice.

"I know, and you can for now but I'll have to wake you up to go though security," Lizzie explained.


"I'm sorry but I have to," Lizzie leaned over to give her a quick kiss on the head.

"No, Mama, no," Alexis started to cry frustrated tears.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay, you're gonna be just fine. No need for tears, I've got you," Lizzie bounced her lightly as they continued to move forward in the line. They heard a light laugh from behind them, probably the old couple who couldn't help but loudly point out Lizzie's young age.

"I wanna sleep," Alexis complained once more.

"I know, I know," Lizzie nodded as she rested her head against Alexis's in an attempt to try and cuddle her without giving up her other arm.

They soon made it to the front of the line and Alexis was not happy about having to untuck her face from Lizzie's neck so the security lady could see her. After that came actual security, Lizzie set Alexis down as she began to take off her own shoes and coat before pulling Alexis's coat as well. The small toddler whined through the entire process and much more when she realized that Lizzie had also placed her beloved bear in a bin on the conveyor belt.

"Mama, I want him," Alexis jumped trying to see her animal as he moved forward on the belt.

"You can have Pooh in one second, can you stand right here until the nice man calls you?" Lizzie asked trying to both console and direct Alexis.

"I wanna have my bear!" Alexis reminded her.

"I know, but he needs to get checked so we can have him on the airplane, okay?"

"No! I want my bear," Alexis said as crocodile tears pooled in her eyes. She was undoubtedly tired and so was Lizzie but this tantrum was not necessary.

"Alexis, please just wait two seconds?"

"I want Pooh!" Alexis pointed out her bear as he neared the x-ray cover.

"Okay then you need to follow me." Lizzie said grabbing a hold of her much smaller hand and leading her up to the scanner. Lizzie sent Alexis through first before following along.

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