The Holiday Series (Part 1)

629 24 3

Word Count: 3617

November 2007

Nobody's POV

Lizzie gently shook Alexis as the small child stretched and yawned a big yawn.

"Hey, happy thanksgiving," Lizzie greeted in a low whisper.

"G'morning," Alexis mumbled in return.

"We've got to get dressed and go to Aunt Ashley's for thanksgiving dinner, okay?"

"Okay Mama," Alexis dismissed as she rolled over to sleep again.

"C'mon sleepyhead," Lizzie picked Alexis up who whined a little before snuggling into Lizzie.

"Let's go potty first, then we can get dressed in a pretty outfit for dinner," Lizzie tried to bribe the small child.

"I sleep, mama," Alexis complained. They were up quite late the night prior when Lizzie's friends came for a visit. Lizzie originally wished to have been able to fly home this week but work got in the way.

"I guess my baby is too tired to see her aunties," Lizzie sighed dramatically.

"No, no I wanna see them!" Alexis protested as she wiggled in Lizzie's arms.

"Let's get ready then," Lizzie reminded her.

Soon after showers were taken and holiday outfits were put on. Lizzie double-checked the zipper on Alexis's coat before buttoning up her own. Alexis had packed her bag full of toys so Lizzie needed to pack an extra bag for the sleepover they were planning to have at Ashley's.

They headed to the subway hand in hand as Alexis skipped happily alongside Lizzie.

When they arrived at Ashley's dinner was already in full swing with both sisters moving around the kitchen with their Mom directing them to finish different tasks.

"Auntie MK! Auntie Ashley!" Alexis ran into the kitchen screaming as she collided with her aunts' legs who were busy peeling potatoes.

"Hey, little one," Mary-Kate grinned down at her excited niece.

"It's turwkey day!" Alexis beamed proudly.

"Yes, it is. Do you wanna see the turkey?" Ashley suggested.

"Turwkey Tom?" Alexis asked as she thought back on what she had learned in school. They named their fake turkey Tom so it's only befitting that all turkeys are named Tom, right?

"Tom?" Ms. J asked the child confused.

"Yeah, Miss J, my school turwkey is namwed Tom," Alexis explained happily to her mom's mother.

"That's cool. Did you eat turkey at school yesterday?" She indulged the small toddler.

"Yes! We eat tom! But he no knows," Alexis explained happily.

"Who doesn't know?" Lizzie appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Turwkey Tom, Mama! He no knows I eat him," Alexis reminded her. Lizzie chuckled at her poor grammar but didn't elect to comment on it. This was the first time that her mom had visited New York since they moved out here and she needed to prove that they were doing well.

"You ate Tom?!?" Trent gasped as his hands flew to his face. Alexis held her belly as a fit full of giggles escaped her mouth.

"Yes, I eat him and he was very yummy!" Alexis cheered. Little did they know turkey Tom was fake and she was just playing with rocks at recess with her school friends. Her teachers immediately reminded the group that rocks are not food and you cannot eat them - only pretend.

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