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Fanart belongs to @jaspp on tumblr 

3rd person pov

Eric sat on his bed, looking at the homework Garrison had assigned for the weekend. They had to read a copy of Alice in Wonderland and write a report on how it was all just an innuendo for getting high as fuck. The assignment seemed easy enough, so he decided to wait on finishing, or even starting it until Sunday afternoon, the day before it was due.

He sighed and got up, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. He rolled his eyes when he passed his mothers' door, hearing grunts and groans that he knew would be imprinted on his brain forever. 

He picked up a half-empty bag of chips and brought it back up to his bedroom, being careful to avoid being close to his mothers' room on the way up there. He shut his door quietly and contemplated what to do. He knew he still had homework to do, but he was bored out of his mind and homework wasn't gonna help that.

Eric decided to pick up his phone and scroll through random apps until he decided what to do. He decided to text Kyle, after remembering that Kenny was on a date earlier and currently probably fucking whoever it was that he was on the date with. He really didn't want that mental image. He tapped on the contact labeled 'Ginger Joo👨🏻‍🦰' and thought about what he wanted to do. He knew Kyle was done with homework, because he's a fucking nerd.

He settled on asking Kyle if he wanted to hang out if he wasn't busy. Kyle agreed and said he would be over in 20 minutes. Eric decided on taking a shower for about ten minutes before the jew was at his house. He picked up some things off of his floor and cleaned up a bit around the house, not so much that it looked like he had stressed over it, but enough that it didn't look like the house belonged to a prostitute and her 15 year old son. 

Once he was done taking a shower and getting dressed, he tried to start on the book. He knew that it was dumb that he was having trouble with the assignment, given that all it was is reading a childrens book and writing about how it was a historical piece of stoner literature. But he had always had trouble with assignments like this due to his dylexia. The words looked jumbled together and made his eyes hurt if he looked at them for too long.

He heard a loud knock on the front door and ran down the stairs to greet his boyfriend. He opened the door and smiled, "Wassup, Jew?" 

"Shut up, asshole." Kyle smiled and walked in, setting down his coat on a chair and was led upstairs to Erics' room. "Did you really want to hang out or do you need my help with something?" He asked skeptically, raising his eyebrow and crossing his arms at the boy.

"Why can't we do both, Kahl? Reading to me counts as hanging out. If we sit next to each other, it could even be considered a date!" He raised his hands enthusiasticly to further prove his point. He fell back onto his bed, having clearly won the conversation despite it not being a competition.

Kyle sighed, rolling his eyes as he searched for the book that he assumed Eric had thrown somewhere in his annoyance. He didn't fully understand what his boyfriend went through with dyslexia, but he knew that it made assignments more difficult to do for Eric. And he took it upon himself to use that as an excuse the set up cheesy study dates with the brunette that often ended in him reading to a half-asleep Eric in his lap at the library.

"Aha!" he grabbed the book from a small pile of unread books that had been collected together on Erics' desk. "I found it, babe. Scoot over." He walked to Erics' bed and he laid his head into the gingers' lap, looking up at him with big eyes and wet hair, getting Kyle's pants wet in the process. "You're such a dick sometimes." He said, sighing and grabbing a towel from Erics' bed and attempting to dry out his hair partially, so as not to have completely soaked pants from the visit. Recognizing his defeat, he started reading, holding the book with one hand and petting the other boys' hair with the other. 

He helped Eric write his essay afterwards, taking longer than he needed to, in order to spend more time with him. Eventually, though, he had to leave, before his mother started another World War because he was late for dinner. He kissed Eric goodbye and left quietly, so as not to wake up Mrs. Cartman and whoever she was with from their post-fuck slumber. He walked to his house went to his room after they had eaten dinner, he fell asleep thinking of how happy he was of how much Eric really had changed over the years. And of how happy he was that Eric was his.

Hi thanks for reading, hope you enjoy this. I'm not the biggest fan of this ship either, but I like this. I've never written Kyman before. Thanks for reading!

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