Chapter 6 - Sunset Strip

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I get up late in the morning, and calmly go down to breakfast.

- Good morning, mom, what are we going to do today?

- Hello honey, well your father, uncle Peter and your brother have gone to "Petersen automotive" or something like that to see cars, so if you want, we can all three go shopping on Sunset Strip. - proposes my mother.

My sister and I looked at each other.

- Good with me, but we could have taken Matt with us, you know he would have had a better time, he hates cars. - I say.

My sister agrees with me, so I go upstairs to change to go shopping. As the boys have taken the car, we are going on taxi, so it takes a little longer to get there.

Let me tell you it's worth it. Dozens of palm trees line the sides of the roads, separating pedestrians from cars, quite a sight. And the stores. Hundreds of stores, one after another, as far as the eye can see. When we get out of the taxi, we don't know where to start.

We go into so many stores that I lose count, and I try on so many things that I no longer know what I bought. We go home for lunch, and in the afternoon, I call Sashia, another one of my best friends, and tell her the whole story, and she thinks I should ask her out. I agree with her and Alex, another friend who has joined the debate on what I should do.

- It's just, I don't know, what if she says no? - I ask doubting.

- How is she going to say no? She kissed you! - Alex argues.

- Exactly! Also, if she says no, you're leaving in a month and a half, so it won't be a big trauma. You will probably never see her again. - Sashia supports shrugging her shoulders.

I think about what Sashia has said. She has a point. I'm leaving in six weeks, so if she says no, it's okay. Right? I mean, I have nothing to lose by trying.

- You're right. I don't lose anything, do I? - I answer convinced. - Tonight, I ask her out. It is officiañ. Wish me luck.

I say goodbye to Alex and Sashia, and I prepare to have dinner with Lía. She told me not to be formal, so a short button-down blouse, and short jeans, with black boots, mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick, and eyeliner and that's it. I take the mobile from the table where I had left it charging, some money and go downstairs.

I still have half an hour before Lia comes, so I watch TV. Halfway through the SpongeBob episode, my mother walks into the room.

- ____, have you taken the pill?

- Yes mom

- Do you have the inhaler?

- Yes mom

- Have you injected your--

- Yes mom, I have done it! - I jump, annoyed- I've been taking care of myself since I was four years old, stop worrying.

- Okay, okay, watch that tone. - My mother leaves the room, and I'm continue watching the SpongeBob episode.

At nine o'clock there is a knock at the door, and I run to open it.

-Hello, ____!

- Hi Lia! Let's go?

I grab Lia's hand, and we start walking. A comfortable silence settles between us.

- And where are we going? - I ask.

- Today, dear ____, you are going to see the nightlife of the Sunset Strip - he says with a mischievous smile.

When I get to the street, I see Shea, Logan and another boy very similar to them, which Lía introduces to me as Flynn, another older brother. Shea grabs my arm and starts excitedly telling me how much fun we're going to have.

- You'll see, ____, it's going to be the best night of your life. I can't believe you never came to the sunset strip. - comment.

- Well, technically I was this morning, bu--

- The morning has nothing to do with the night. This site is transformed, you'll see.

It is already at night, so the streetlights are on, and the truth is that the atmosphere is totally different from what it was this morning. People are more scantily clad, and huge queues quickly form outside the clubs and bars. We keep walking, until Flynn and Logan split up to go into a bar, while Lia, Shea and I continue to a nightclub. 

- Are they going to let us in? - I ask worried.

- Don't worry, it's for people over 15 - Lia reassures me. I relax, calmer, and get in line.

Lia and Shea look at me amused and Lia takes my hand.

- Come, ____, we don't need to stand in line. - We go ahead to where there is a security guard checking ID, and as soon as he sees Lia, he opens the tape for us.

- Wow, that was easy. - I comment, amazed.

As soon as we enter, lights of all colors dazzle me, despite the darkness of the place, and Lia gives me a fluorescent necklace.

- Come on ____, let's have fun! - shout over the music. She leads me out onto the dance floor, and we start dancing to Lil Nas X's "Montero." I spot Shea talking to a guy her age, sitting at the bar having a Coke. I guess there will be no alcohol in this place. By the time we finished dancing, at least five songs had already been played, so I dropped into the chair next to Shea and Lia, exhausted.

- This is so much fun! - I shout.

- I knew you would like it! - Lia shouts back.

I order a Fanta, and as soon as it is brought to me, I drink greedily. Until I look at what's in the bottom. A white pill, almost dissolved. I look at the bartender and the drink, and back at the bartender and the drink.

Suddenly, I start to see everything blurry, and I feel like I'm falling. Someone yells.


drama lolI have never been to a nightclub so you can imagine where I got the info from hahahaI know, it seems that I live in a cave :)bye

drama lolI have never been to a nightclub so you can imagine where I got the info from hahahaI know, it seems that I live in a cave :)bye

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Before we say goodbye - Lia MchughWhere stories live. Discover now