Why me?

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Alex's POV

Today, I am very late. This is the usual. Usually my twin sister Misty wakes me up with her "morning-shower-jam-out." She always takes a shower with loud music and it wakes me every morning. I don't mind being woken up by Taylor Swift every morning but my sister's screech-along is very unpleasant. Our rooms are next to each other but she has her own bathroom that kind of separates us. Today the screech wasn't made, she had been sick the night before and slept in. Kind of, so now I have the be the responsible one and wake her up and rush her out the door and all that jazz. She isn't the easiest person to wake up, let's just say that. I go into her room and say her name, she doesn't wake up, I say it louder, nothing, I yell it, she rolls over. This is ridiculous. I scream her name and jump on her, she screams. That's the sugar!
Uh oh! She's pissed! Run! I scurry off the bed and make it as far as the doorway before I'm on my face! I am dead meat!
"How DARE you!"
She is mad and I am not going to be able to turn 17! I'm not even gonna make it through the day! I was hoping to pass on my good looks to a son! Nope! Not gonna happen! I guess not, now let's get this sister of mine off me! Shuffle, tightens grip. Roll, claws embed in my shoulders. Shift to crawling position, begins to hang on me like a sloth. Wow my sister is weird! Okay belly splat!
"Ow!" She howls.
Rut Ro! I spring up and bolt to my bedroom. Whew! Now I need to get dressed and there's no time for a shower! Ew! I know I'm a clean boy and I NEED a shower but we're already late! Blue t-shirt, heavy body spray, jeans, converse. K I'm good. I peek out the crack of my open door and immediately her claws pry it out of my grip. I'm pinned to the floor as her strawberry scented, sopping wet, hair hangs down in my eyes as I try to slide out from under her light, yet heavy, weight. Yes! I'm free! Now, to stay free. As I bolt downstairs I grab an instant breakfast packet and a bottle of water. I know for a fact that there's some pretzels in my bag which I am yet to snatch from the hooks behind the door. I hear the steam puffing out her nose as she chases me through the house grabbing the same things as me along with her purse. I jump in behind the wheel of the car and she scowls at me as she makes her way to the passenger side. The beat up orange jeep was given to us by our parents on our 15th birthday. They thought we needed some type of transportation and then taught us both how to drive. We got our licenses in our 16th birthday which made up for the fact that the redeemed their cruise on our sweet sixteen. What it didn't make up for is that the week they redeemed it was the week of the surprise hurricane named Smock. Well that's what we called it after out parents drowned. We have been left alone ever since but we have learned to cope with all our troubles. It's not like they can come back right? Well I "start" the car and it grumbles. Okay Dripper I know it's Monday but we have a test and we can't be late! I rev the engine. Nothing. Misty slams the car door and hops on her bike. She gets off and then goes inside the house and comes out with an iced tea. Sometimes I can't believe her! She crashes with her bike and hops on. Is she seriously biking to school?!?! There she goes oh alright here I come! I start jogging and finally get to school slipping into my seat just in time. The day goes on as it normally does I sit next to Misty in 4/5 of our classes and then she gives me the death glare as she giggles off with her friends in the hallway to lunch. Weird. Now I need to pick someone up! That's right imma get me a girl!
"Yeah, and my 17th birthday is next Friday and my twin sister and I are probably going to take the day off school." I say smoothly to my new "friend" Emily. "So do you want to come back to my place after school?"
This is it Alex, don't blow it! Your asking a girl to your house!
"Sure! That sounds like fun! We could do homework together!"
"Yeah. Uh, homework!" I laugh off my awkward comment. Homework! Great we picked up a nerd! Oh come on you got a girl! Yeah! You go Alex!
"Hello? Alex? Are you okay?" Her soft tone drifts me back to reality.
"What? Oh, yeah! I'm fine!" Nice save, Alex nice save! Suddenly I hear a scream and get whiplash turning my neck at lighting speeds to see my sister drenched in sloppy joe sauce. Oh this isn't allowed!
"Hold on Emily," I say as I stand. Half of the silent cafeteria is looking at me and the other at my twin sister and the culprit standing behind her with an overturned pot. I sprint and leap on the guy with the pot. Now every set of eyes was on me. I was sitting on top of the dude who embarrassed my beloved sister, he had the pot over his head trying to avoid punches.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, the sound ringing in everyone's ears.
I bet everyone now thinks I have anger issues, I don't I just love my sister too much to see her get hurt.
"Ugh! Alex! Why? Why did you have to attract so much attention to me? Ugh! Why did I have to get blessed with you? Ugh why me?" She scream as she ran out of the lunch room crying. Bree, her bestest friend ever, ran after her soon followed by Jemma, the odd one out. I kept thinking about how she had said blessed. Not only with sarcasm but she did those quote marks with her fingers to emphasize. I saw the tears in her eyes as she ran out, this was all my fault and I'm going to fix it!

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