2- messages

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The way home after the mysterious encounter was strange yet distant George barely remembers it his mind just evolving around Clay, as if he was his whole world.

He didn't understand the feelings, but he loved them.

George often used music to escape his feelings, he related to many songs causing him to feel some closure. After getting off the bus he had to walk somewhere to stay for the night, he realised he had no where to go that was until he called his only college friend, Wilbur.

Wilbur has always been there for George no matter what. he knew George like a book he's read about 60 times. He understands how George feels having being the only person George would turn to his whole life.

Upon hearing the news of him escaping his home, Wilbur was happy for george for finally having some safety, or whatever part of it he felt, he felt he was getting closer to closure, freedom or whatever words described his current emotions he felt would be fitting.

When Wilbur heard george needed a place to say he almost instantly said yes, Wilbur lives about 15 minutes away from george so it wasn't too far to go by walking but he insisted to pick him up. And so george was sat by the sidewalk waiting patiently for his best friend to pick him up while listening to music, music made him feel calm it was his escape from the world and only chance to feel something other than desperate pain and misery.

He paused his Spotify on the song 'sweater weather' he loved that song, it made him feel like he wasn't alone and could relate to other people.

A car beeping ahead of him caught his attention he quickly stood and opened the car door, "Wilbur! Haven't spoken in awhile how are you?" He decided to start a simple conversation so the journey wasn't awkward, George hated awkward silence it made him uncomfortable maybe that's just him becoming anxious who knows at this point?

Afew laughs are shared as they catch up with each other simple things such as 'where you visited?' 'Met anyone new' popped up george hesitant to mention Clay deciding to bring it up another time, maybe a moving vehicle wasn't the best place to admit to having trusted a stranger so incautiously.

Wilbur wouldn't mind, he was sure.

Well not exactly sure because he knew Wilbur cared a lot and if he found out someone were to hurt him Wilbur would deal with George first, hence why he had yet to tell him about the mysterious man he met in Morrison's at about 10pm that evening.

He still thought about the encounter, even if he didn't admit it to anyone he wanted to talk with him again

"wait so you saw a what?" Wilbur said holding in his laugh with a goofy smiled plastered to his face.

"a man swearing at a seagull for stealing his dog food" George chuckled out he wasn't sure why it was so funny but it kept repeating in his head and it was absolutely hilarious.

Making their way to the crooked door they walked inside, George was shocked that something looking so rundown from outside can look so amazing on the inside. He just used the good old 'don't judge a book by its cover' saying. careful at first unsure of how safe Wilbur's house was, if he had neighbours stuff like that.

He figured to warm up to it eventually.

"Welcome to my home ..home" Wilbur put his hand on a sign saying 'home home' for some reason this sent George flying dying of laughter almost falling back.

Wilbur coughed slightly to get George's attention "Anywho your room is upstairs- want me to show you ..oh my god we can go on walks like we used to in college -I've missed spending time with you george" he smiled saying it leaving gaps in between words you could already tell he was excited remembering the past it was horrible yet so incredible at the same time, mixed emotions for George.

The room George was lead to was warm but also cool it's was like the perfect temperature, he looked around and saw a wooden desk in the corner with a laptop placed on, a stack of paper and some pens scattered to the side a little shelf above it with a overgrown plant placed on top next to afew random books, a small window above it he took a notice of the rain slowly beginning to pour and was glad to arrive just in time. His gaze switching over towards the bed. Without even realising he had ran up to it and jumped on top felling the warmth below him made him feel happy. He giggled to himself. He felt okay.

The bedding was simply blue with white stars so simple yet so meaning full, Wilbur smiled and walked off to do whatever he often does in his office while george put away his clothes and took out the food he bought in Morrison's a giddy expression taking over his face as meeting Clay had made his heart warm, with joy, glad to make a friend?

He was unsure to be quite honest. Although he definitely missed his confident words, his gorgeous piss coloured eyes he could look into all day.

George told himself to stop being so weird and pushed the thoughts away eating the sandwich while watching finding dory, he felt he related to the fish yet he wasn't sure why he found it funny though.

The film had ended just when Wilbur walked in telling George it was kinda late so he wanted to get some rest for the night, George looked at his watch reading the time 1:34am nodding his head in understanding.

Strange. He thought to himself it only being 9pm what felt like a minute ago, although the moving in and that must of made it seem longer.

He shrugged it off, time will always be mystery

Wilbur was now supposedly asleep and George was watching tiktoks on his phone, he couldn't sleep which was weird as he often loved to sleep to pass time, maybe he was unwell or just wasn't tired

He was about to fall asleep when his phone ringing caused him to bolt upright reading the contact name.


accept. decline.

It was his father.

Almost instantly george wondered if he should answer, panic flooded his veins feeling unsafe again. As if his father was close, looking for him.

Without realising he was thinking for so long the ringing ended relief instantly hit but not for long.


looking back down he had received a message from his father hesitantly he clicked the notification.

He began to shake.

He felt dizzy.

He felt indangered.

His father knew what he had done.


Sorry this chapters kinda shorter than the other I'll try making them longer if it's a problem:)

hope your enjoying so far!

any theories?

what do you think the message says?

I'll try getting the next chapter out tomorrow if I'm feeling well hope your enjoying the book so far i won't lie I'm putting it together as i go along but i have somewhat an idea <3

I love you remember to stay healthy and that your amazing no matter what you can do anything if you believe in yourself:]

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