8- childhood friends

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"George? Is that you!"

A voice called from the shadows.

The man brought his face into the light. A large smile plastered onto his face

George turned eyeing the man up and down before realising who was stood before him. "Oh hey Clay didn't know you went to college"

"yeahh- sorry about that guess i forgot to mention it but anyway - I CANT BELIEVE WERE SHARING A DORM THIS YEARS GONNA BE GREAT" clay got more excited towards the end no matter how much he attempted to hide it.

He was glad to be with George.


After they had decorated and talked for awhile they decided to go meet up with some of Clays friends, they were all pretty popular as was Clay but he didn't notice it as much.

They texted his mates to come to their place and they waited patiently eager to meet them.

After afew minutes the doorbell rang, Clay sprung up and waltzed over to the door opening to greet his friend.

All George heard was "PARTYS STARTING NOW BABYY" and chuckles from the corridor, he became curious to what type of people Clay hang out with.

It felt like forever before Clay walked back into the room with another boy, he had brown hair and was short. Definitely shorter than George

"George! I want you to meet Nick, Nick i want you to meet George" he let them greet eachother after introducing them to one another.

"Why hello there I'm nick as this dumbass has just told you but do call me Sapnap kind sir" He bowed.

Great another American thinking British people are all posh and polite.

George looked at him and sneered "Uh hello why are you acting so American I'm not the queen you can stop now" He giggled at the man infront of him.

"What a warming welcome" Sapnap continued talking to George.

"Yeah yeah anyways I'm George as you know, i don't have a nickname but just call me whatever"

"Sure what does dream call you?" Sapnap asked curious to the names mentioned when they were on call yesterday.

"..dream?" George began to speak obviously having no idea what was meant by the name 'dream'

Then Clay spoke up. "Oh right forgot to mention my online gamer tags Dream so many people call me that, it's a childhood thing just like how nicks called Sapnap"

George found it ironic how the boy he was practically obsessed with was called dream, the more you know.

George nodded in understanding as he listened to the two boys talk about how sick London is, they really were fanboys.


After afew minutes the room had around 3 other guests, they were introduced to George as; Bad, Karl and Skeppy, and to George's surprise their was still one more to arrive.

As George was pondering upon who it could be he heard a strangely familiar knock at the door. (no it isn't wilburs classic knock sadly)

Dream announced he was going to get the door and in afew moments he heard the distant chatter in the hallway, until it got closer and that was when George realised who it was.

Apparently it took the other boy to get to the room before he saw George but when he did they immediately ran up to eachother and hugged, they hadn't seen one another in a long time.

"I see you and Alex have met before then, assuming you will know he is also nick named Quackity?" Dream wheezed surprised at how small this world is.

"Yes obviously me and Alex have been mates forever we moved away from eachother afew years back and haven't been able to meet a lot since" you could tell George was beyond happy for this unexpected arrival.

That was when he realised college was going to be amazing.


The rest of the night was filled with jokes, banter, and drinking. They were college students and all of age what else could you expect?

"so the guy walk out of shop and saw dog chased it up road then he fell into a car to drive far brom broom" George was clearly drunk, you could hear it in his intoxicated voice.

nobody even understood what they were saying but hey that's the good thing about it right? Either way they still laughed about each word said.

Without even realising it george was feeling tired, the alcohol was finally getting to his head as his eye lashing fluttered his eyes feeling heavy.

He then pat dreams shoulder, well attempted to but in his drunken state he was only able to put his hand on Dreams arm. still then that was enough for him.

"Sleepy need to bed" George's words were slurred and his yawns accompanied the sentence, dream looked down at him and softly spoke.

"In a second I'll tell them we're gonna sleep now, you can go to your bed if you want"

"noo! i want wait you please dreamie" George was out of his head that's for sure. Dream chuckled and agreed then proceeded to say his goodbyes to everyone who visited.

Once they were all gone he turned to George watched as he sat up, ran up and hugged him, it was sweet of course but their was no reasoning.

George asked what dream was doing until he felt his body lift of the ground and get plopped over his shoulder.

"IM FLYING- IM ACTUALLY- BIRD- WOWOOOOOO" George giggled like a toddler, he was adorable when drunk.

Dream took him to his room and laid him into his bed, wishing him goodnight and turning to walk away before he felt a small tug on his wrist preventing him from escaping.

"No.. stay" George looked him dead in the eyes he looked scared yet happy, dream didn't question it after that he got into the left side of the bed facing the wall. he was just starting to ease off when he felt delicate arms wrap around his waist pulling his slightly closer.

Another warm smile fixed onto his face as he fell asleep in the arms of the boy he secretly admired.

He could only wish for the same admiration in return.


hello! this ones a little shorter compared to the others but it's kinda cute i didn't want to much to happen just yet and you will see the purpose in George's 'job' soon enough<3

Remember to stay healthy and that i love you:)

any theories??

hope your enjoying! bye for now;)

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