7- we meet again

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It was the day George Davidson was dreading, it's time to go back to college.

He has never discussed it with anyone other than Alex as he is the only friend he has in college, he plans on getting the train to college later on in the day so in the meantime he would pack his bags.

Okay, he will admit he knows he should have packed beforehand but he was just busy ..well

he was staying at his college throughout the full year, able to visit home if he wished but he had a new dorm- which means new people.

It isn't a bad thing to meet new people, but for George it can be irritating. Having built up a friendship with his old flat mate just to have it thrown away and start again.

Not motivational I'll tell you that.

His train left at around 4pm which wasn't along time to pack and get ready to move back in, he wasn't sure how or if he would make it there in time but he ignored how fast time moved in this moment.

Double checking he was packing the right things, he didn't have much after moving in with Wilbur because he knew it wouldn't be long until he went to college. George had barely enough clothes suitable for the weather so he decided he would go shopping in a-bit. Just to top up his wardrobe.

By now he had spent about an hour on packing and was convinced he was finished. That was until a framed picture he set on his bedside table caught his eye. It was of him, and his mother. They were at a park and George was building a sandcastle, his mum helping him with the shovel after all he looked around 5.

It was a sweet memory to look back on so he placed it into the baby blue suitcase, careful to not break anything inside and yanked the zip fastening it shut.

He smiled to himself and looked out his window up at the clouded blue skies, "I hope your proud of me mum, I'm really trying! I'm going off to college soon." he knew she would be proud of him for making it so far.

She wouldn't respond but he still spoke to her, it was his way of staying in touch.

Even if he couldn't hear or see her anymore it felt nice knowing she was watching him.


George was wearing a simple outfit, a oversized brown jumper that could be mistaken as a dress on him and black joggers. Cant go wrong with something so simple

He combed through his hair and unplugged his phone throwing on a white speckled north face puffy jacket and sliding down the stairs. Before he headed out to do some clothing shopping he decided to sit and have breakfast with Wilbur.

Wilbur was making pancakes who could say no to that?

"So where you going?" Wilbur raised an eyebrow at George after seeing him happily glide down the stairs.

"Just out might get some clothes for college, can i have some?" George looked over at the pancake mix Wilbur was pouring into the pan Wilbur chuckled and told George to sit and wait next to the kitchen island pulling up a stool for him to sit on. It wasn't long until the scent of sweet pancakes filled the air, Wilbur was an amazing chef that was for sure, George eagerly watched as he flipped the pancakes with ease perfecting them each time.

Either Wilbur was the next speed runner, or he was a fast chef either way it didn't take him too long he handed a plate to George with some pancakes on it before taking out some toppings, his eyes lighting up with excitement. George really did get excited at the little things.

Without even blinking George had already covered his pancakes in golden syrup topped with berries from the wilderness, also known as freshly picked strawberries. The flavours filled George's mouth, a warm smile creeping onto his face.

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