5- a new beginning

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Not a lot happened at lunch, other than a few flirtatious jokes here and there but hey that's normal. right?

Or so he thought.

They argued over who would pay and Clay somehow ended up winning and paying for the both of their food as it was his idea after all, they then exited the restaurant by now it's around 3:30pm and their day together was coming to a close.

Clay drove George back to his house waving goodbye while smiling fondly at him making sure he makes it in safely, George does the same and before they knew it they had parted ways again.

Though now they could message each other it didn't make much more a difference than before.


It was a silent and cool evening Clay didn't get up to much he listened to music for awhile concentrating on his homework, but he would honestly rather sit and concentrate on George's gorgeous looks.

What on earth was he thinking?

He wasn't gay. Or was he?

Everyone in his new college would find out about his sexuality at some point anyways. Nothing ever goes to plan for Clay no matter how popular or good looking he may be.


His thoughts were almost instantly cut off, turning his head to look over at where the sound came from.

Upon realising it was his phone he already knew it was George. As he was the only person to go through do not disturb other than Sapnap- but hey Sapnap and him never message so it's pretty much impossible, he giggled to himself at his thoughts and checked the message to be sure.

6:18 pm.

new message notifications:||
georgie;) : hey, Clay!:)

How cute George was thinking about him, Clay smiled at the text and ruffled his hair ever so slightly as to change the way it lay upon his head.

He typed back a reply not wanting to leave poor ol'Georgie on read. Who would?

hello! you doing anything cool atm?

nah not much tbh you up to anything I'm kinda bored and wanted to discard call and play something

sounds good to me, talk in a sec be on discord bae;)

ew what don't call me that you idiot, ANSWER YOUR GODDAMN CALLS

George always said things like that, but he never really meant them guess it's just a mysterious thing about him.

Clay laughed at how quickly his new friend managed to convert onto his pc and began to follow after making his way to his desk, logging in - the usual things you do.

He opened his PC to 5 missed calls and 50+ messages. Anyone would of thought he was murdered.

Of course they were all from George who else would it have been.? Well it could have been many people to be fair but George was the only one he was thinking about right now.

He messaged George saying he was online and immediately his screen lit up, indicating George was calling him.

"Eager aren't you?" Clay whispered into his microphone, nearly sending George backwards in his chair to the shock.

"Oh my god. Don't do that what the hell!" George just accused him of almost causing him to have a heart attack and eventually they continued on.

"Let's make a server" dream remarked wanting somewhere to claim as his and George's

"Sure you can name it, nothing strange tho or I'm out" George laughed but this time Clay listened to his laugh imagining his cute smile, His laugh was soft and perfect it was like a calling of angels just seeing his smile. His laugh could brighten the sky on a dark night, he was clays star.

"Clay?" George repeated for what felt like the 100th time.

"Oh. Yeah yeah I'm good okay I'll name it hmm.. the dreamSMP!" He decided rather quickly after seeing a poster on his wall saying 'dream when your free'.

"Sounds swagsyyyYy" George squealed as if intending to sound 'quirky' yeah no I'm not sure either but you know what i mean.

After setting up the game George had joined and they made jokes non stop- some of the jokes were rather odd however they were enjoying themselves together and that's all that mattered.

him and George getting along.


They adventured around for awhile before saving materials to create a brick square house in the middle of a lake, strange place but it seemed to fit with all their standards.

This was the start of something new, something formed that day, let it be a greater friendship.

Whatever formed was a stronger bond - a MUCH stronger bond.

They got along so well when only really knowing each-other for a day or two. They enjoyed each other's company a lot more than others as both have lonely lives that they can relate about, they like to meet to people every once in awhile.

But they wouldn't need anyone else if they stayed together.

Or so they thought..


Hey! I apologise if this isn't great as i do currently have covid so I'm not feeling great, hoping you all have a wonderful day and are continuing to enjoy this book!

Any recommendations?


Feel free to share my story to others, the more people that are able to access my work the more motivated i will become<3

Stay well, eat and drink and I'll see you next chapter:)

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