Chapter 24 : Ulterior Motive?

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"Amaimon I-" Y/n was at a lost for words. She never would've thought that she, an ordinary human girl, would be able to bring a renowned demon king to such a vulnerable state.

"I love you, Y/n" Amaimon brought her hands to his lips, kissing them softly before bringing them to his chest. "You dont have to say anything, just know no other has been able to make my heart beat as much as you do. It flutters like never before and it feels as if my whole existence was nothing before you. Being with you, I realize that you are my purpose, my reason for living, and I want to be by your side for all of eternity,"

Y/n couldn't think of a thing to say, she was speechless and could only look in to Amaimon's eyes full of yearning.

"I'm sorry for bringing this all up on you," Amaimon continued. "I'm not used to being this open and emotional, so I understand if you dont feel the-"

Without letting him finish his thoughts, Y/n jumped to embrace him, kissing him with all the force she had.

"Dont be stupid, Amai," Y/n said. "I love you too."

Gaining a sudden love struck confidence, Y/n pushed Amaimon up against a nearby tree, causing a slight gasp of surprise to escape his lips.

Y/n refused to stop herself anymore, she was crazy about this powerful green haired demon. He tried to wrap his arms around her waist but she grabbed them, pinning Amaimon against the rough bark of the tree.

She broke apart from his lips, only to resume kissing but this time slowly trailing down, across his jaw and along his neck.

"Y/n," Amaimon exhaled desperately. He couldn't take it anymore, he needed her more than ever. With a gentle push, they both fell on the ground, cushioned by the thick grass, Amaimon now on top of Y/n pinning her down.

He muffled her breathy moans with his soft and sweet lips, a task which became harder to do as his hands explored her body and he was thankful they were far away from any prodding ears that might hear anything.


"Hello class! Today we are going to be learning how to heal a wound caused by a fire demon. While a lower level demon may give minor burns, the higher classed ones will definitely be more difficult to treat," Yukio began to teach, scanning his eyes across the room of his students.

"Where's Y/n?" Yukio asked the room. Rin looked around confused, shocked when she was indeed not there.

"Shes probably skipping class like usual, I don't even know why she attends this school anyways, it's not like she's actually gonna become an exorcist." Izumo scoffed, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"Dont say that!" Shiemi spoke up. "She probably has something going on, you dont know her life!"

Everybody was shocked to see Shiemi speak up. Inspired by her outburst, Rin stood up.

"She's right!" He confronted Izumo. "And maybe if you would step out of your self centered ego, you would see Y/n just as cut out to be an exorcist as all of us!"

Yukio cleared his throat eccentricity, trying to gain the attention of the class.

"Settle down. What Y/n does is not of your business, you should be more concerned about are your grades." He started to pass out papers, with many a red marks on most of them.

"I thought we were learning about healing burns?" Rin asked as his face burned red in embarrassment after seeing a big red F circled in the corner of his paper.

"I changed my mind. Seeing as Y/n is absent and the rest of you could use reviewing on the topic, we will be doing this instead."

"But this is so boring!" Rin exclaimed, "What does Y/n not being here have anything to do with it?"

"Well," Yukio paused, "She was the only one of the class to get a 100 on her medicinal herbal essay. More so, she was the only one who got above an 80% aside from Shiemi."

With collective groans from the classroom, Yukio spent the day mercilessly reviewing his vast knowledge of plants and their medical benefits. Eventually the night came to an end and everyone went home.

Yukio stayed behind, he had some matters to discuss with Mephisto.

"Its a pleasure to see you in my office, Yukio," the purple haired demon said with a grin. "What brings you in here?"

"Do you know anything about Y/n not attending class today?"

"Why, what Ms.L/n does in her time is none of my business!" He gasped and feigned shock. "I'm astonished at whatever you are insinuating!"

"What plan do you have with Y/n and Amaimon, what is your ulterior motive?"

"What ever do you mean?" Mephisto sat down behind his desk. "When have I ever had an ulterior motive?"

"Cut the crap, I know you. And I feel like I have a right to know, especially if it involves my brother." Yukio slammed his hands on the desk.

"Calm down," Mephisto leaned back in his chair, his nonchalance annoying Yukio. "I just want my brother to have a nice girlfriend, that's all there is to it, I swear."

Yukio wasn't buying his forced innocence, he knew all too well Mephisto never did anything without a thought out master plan.

"You're right," Yukio lied with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry I accused you of having a hand to play in their relationship."

Yukio left, with both being suspicious of each other. If Mephisto wasn't going to tell him, he was determined to find out himself. Something was up, and he was going to put his finger on it.

[Discontinued] The Demon King's Mate (Amaimon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now