Chapter Two : What Just Happened?

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Despite just meeting Rin earlier that week, when his father's funeral was being held, she didn’t hesitate to come to support her friend.
She did feel a bit awkward because she didn’t know anyone besides Rin and she had never met Fujimoto. She had put on a black jumper and had to cover up the bite mark, that wouldn’t disappear, before she left her house.
She saw Rin and ran up to him. Y/n gave him a sympathetic smile before holding his hand in an attempt to comfort him.
*after the funeral*
Rin was telling y/n stories about Father Fuji and how he took in and raised him and his twin.

“Hold up, you have a twin?”
“Yeah, his name is Yukio. He’s the younger one but it seems like I’m the one who keeps messing up. One day he’ll be really successful, but I’m not to sure about me.”
“Don’t say that, Rin. You’ll be successful too, you just have to find what you’re best at and what you’re passionate about,” She looked at Rin’s face to see if she managed to uplift his mood or not. “Besides, if all else fails, you always have cooking.”
“Thanks Y/n.” He said with a slight smile. For some reason, Y/n always made him feel better. She’s a really good friend.
As if on cue, it started raining. Normally, the rain would make the mood gloomy but y/n just seemed to smile.

“What are you so happy about?” Rin asked Y/n curiously
“Nothing particularly, I just love the rain.”
“The rain, I don’t know, it’s just refreshing and comforting. It’s like it washes away mistakes and it helps life grow. Without the rain, the plants, the trees, the animals, all of life wouldn’t be able to live.”
“That’s deep” Rin said before they giggled for a bit.  Neither of them noticed, but the rain was washing off the makeup covering up Y/n’s mark.

All of a sudden, Y/n’s phone began to ring, ruining the moment.
“Excuse me, I’ll be right back”
After the call it was a wrong number, go figures. I don’t know anyone that would actually go out of their way to talk to me, she made her way back to where she left Rin.
When she came back, Rin was with a tall man who was DEFINITELY not dressed for a funeral.

“And who is this?” He asked as he turned his gaze to Y/n. She noticed that his eyes trailed down to her neck and he smirked. She began to feel uncomfortable and she pulled her H/c hair to cover the now revealed mark.
“Did I interrupt something? I’m- im gonna go, I’ll see you later Ri-” she turned to go when Mephisto stopped her.
“There’s no need to leave, I was just offering Rin a scholarship to True Cross,” Y/n’s eyes widened THE True Cross Academy? But that’s like… a really good school. “In fact, you should go too”
“Uh, me?”
“Yes, you. Did I stutter?”
“No sir, but I don’t understand why you’d want me to attend.”
“Are you saying I made a mistake” the man asked intimidatingly, towering over her smaller body.
“N-no! not at all” y/n laughed nervously and he backed away.
“Great!” He smiled as he brought his hands together. “I expect to see you both tomorrow morning to take you”

Shortly afterwards, he disappeared and left Y/n and Rin confused and in shock.
“What… just… happened?”

[Discontinued] The Demon King's Mate (Amaimon x reader)Where stories live. Discover now