Chapter Twenty One : I need a favor

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"I need to ask you for a favor."

"What it is you want?"

"For Amaimon to attend True Cross."

Mephisto burst out laughing, his head leaned back and his hands clutching his stomach.

"I'm being serious."

"What did you have in mind?" The tall, purple-haired demon leaned in and asked her, his face full of inquiry.
Mephisto led Y/n to some chairs for them to sit in. 

"He should become a student at the school and the exorcist cram school."

"That's implied with him attending try cross, but how do you plan for this to work? Amaimon's identity isn't exactly a secret."

"We can give him a disguise. Even something as simple as a long wig and colored contacts can help cover his pointed ears, weird hair spike, and his bright, beautiful sea blue eyes..."

Mephisto just sat there, looking at her and she spaced out thinking of her mate.  
A few moments went by and Y/n snapped out of it. 

"Or, we can just give him a hoodie and a face mask?" She suggested as that might be easier to do. Mephisto clapped his hands.

"I think that is a wonderful idea!" Mephisto exclaimed with an uncomfortable amount of glee.


"Of course, I'll get him enrolled right now,"  He stood up and walked over to Y/n. "Now, you better be off to class. We don't need you missing anymore of your classes, do we?"

"No.." Y/n answered with a grim tone.

"Then, if you don't have anything else to talk about, I'll get right on to setting Amaimon up at the academy officially,"  he paused to look straight into Y/n's eyes.  "Unless you like keeping him in your pocket?"

Y/n looked to the ground as she could feel her face heating up.

"Enrolling him is good,"   she said as she backed up to head out.  As she turned around to open the door, she collided head first into the wall known as Rin's chest. 

"Are you okay?"  Rin looked at Y/n.  Y/n looked back at his eyes and felt a ping of guilt in her heart from breaking his. 

"Yep, I'm just heading to class,"  She ducked under Rin's worried glance and walked awkwardly out the door.

She checked the time and saw she only had 5 minutes left of her current class.   The next and last class she had for the day was about taming demons.  She caught bad vibes from that teacher so she decided to skip the rest of the day and just go home to Amaimon. 

She had no problem befriending demons and she was sure Amaimon wouldn't mind teaching her how to tame them.

Y/n successfully sneaked out of the school building and went to her room. 
Yukio and Rin were still in school and Amaimon must've went off somewhere so she was the only one in the building. She took this opportunity of peace and quiet to lay down and take a nap. 

It wasn't long after she closed her eyes that she felt something warm crawl by her side.   Y/n opened her eyes slightly and saw Amaimon had cozied up to her.   His arm draped across her waist, holding her tight.  His head was snuggled in her neck, his lips ever so slightly brushed against the mark he had made on her. 

"Amai?" Y/n softly spoke.

Amaimon responded with a grumble that she could only assume was a "yes?"

Y/n had originally planned to tell Amaimon about the plan for him to go to school with her, but suddenly she was in no mood for talking.  Instead she turned around to face Amaimon and slid down to lay her head against his chest.  She wrapped her arm around him, liking the warmth and comfort that came with being close to her mate.



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