Chapter Seventeen : Is It Possible?

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The next morning, the trio slept in. Mephisto had excused them of their classes for the next week, knowing that they’ll need the time for bonding and getting used to the situation.

Y/n wakes up to the 2 sleeping demons on either side of her. Her heart was torn. Is it possible to love two people at once?
There was an undeniable bond with Amaimon, she wouldn’t admit it but she really did love him. But on the other hand, she also liked Rin, possibly more than just a friend. Maybe it’s the bond? She wondered if the mark that had bonded her to Rin influenced her feelings. Maybe it did, but it was here to stay and nothing could change what she feels now.

She carefully got out of the two demon’s grip and went to find Mephisto. When she found him in his office, she decided to talk about her dilemma between the two who shared her heart.

“I’m sorry for burdening you with my problems.” Y/n apologizes sincerely, feeling bad about always seeking Mephisto for advice.
“Don’t worry, you could never be a bother,” Mephisto replies, assuring her before mumbling, “it’s those idiotic mates of yours that are becoming quite bothersome.” Which earned a snicker from Y/n.
Mephisto didn’t have a definite answer concerning her situation, but he did try to explain to her more about the demon mark. He also explained how demons mate for life.
“Y/n, no matter what you’re feeling, it’s here to stay. Demons mate for life, so those  two are always going to be by your side, whether you like it or not.” Mephisto concluded by trying comfort her, reassuring that no matter what, she had 2 people who loved and cared about her.

After she talked to Mephisto, she decided to go to the park to clear her head. Her body started to burn, most likely because she still needed to be close to her mates, but she didn’t care. It helped her think when she was surrounded by nature.

She took a quick walk around, nothing too long. She enjoyed being immersed in wildlife and it made her at peace. But after 15 minutes, she was starting to miss Rin and Amaimon. She headed back to the dorm in hopes of cuddling with her demonic mates, but to her surprise, when she opened the door she was the two demons were closer than they were in the morning.
The two were cuddling each other, holding each other, as if subconsciously they needed the warmth. The sight warmed her heart. Maybe we can make this work.

She took a picture of them and then saved it to her photo album. Unfortunately, her flash went off when she took it and it caused them to stir. Rin was the first one to wake up. When he realized the position he was in, he shoved Amaimon off the bed which woke him up. Amaimon was confused and rubbed the back of his heads which he bumped when he went down, while Y/n failed to keep in a chuckle.

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