Welcome Home, Rosalina

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ROSALINA: Come on, hurry, hurry. We gotta get this done before everyone in Vabania sees. The surprise would be ruined if they found out about this.

CATOAMADEUS: Okay, okay.

They run into the Mayor of Vabania


They fall down on the ground

ROSALINA: Oh, hello, Mr. Mayor. H-H-How are you?

He just glares at her

ROSALINA: I'm sorry I was late for decorating. I should've listened to you and not went to that party. You probably cancelled Easter already and it's all my fault. She tears up

YISROEL: Citizens, show her the sign.

ROSALINA: The sign...

Two Vabanians hover in a sky and open up a sign that says "Welcome home, Rosalina"

ANALIA: Mommy, you're back!

She jumps in Rosalina's arm


YISROEL: Yeah, wait who are you?

He looks up at Catoamadeus

CATOAMADEUS: Hi, I'm Catoamadeus. I'm from the planet Zebedus and I crash-landed on earth a long time ago, but I never made it back to Zebedus.

YISROEL: Catoamadeus, Catoamadeus, that name sounds familiar. Hang on, brb.

The Mayor Teleports back to his office.

CATOAMADEUS: What was that about?

ROSALINA: I have no idea.

Analia jumps in Catoamadeus's arms and snuggles in his arms

ANALIA: You're so much gentler than my dad.

CATOAMADEUS: I'm kind to all creatures.

Analia giggles, falls asleep in Catoamadeus's arms an he pets her

ROSALINA: Seems like my kid already likes you.


The Mayor Teleorts back to where Rosalina and Catoamadeus are

YISROEL: I got it! You use to live here on Vabania, but after you went missing for six years we took you out of the system and gave your house away to Rosalina.

CATOAMADEUS: I knew that house looked familiar.

ROSALINA: Oh, sorry that I took your house.

CATOAMADEUS: It's fine, I'll just find somewhere else to live.

YISROEL: Sadly, all the houses are taken, but I can make you an acception. That is, if it's okay with my friend, Rose.

ROSALINA: Friend... Oh....

YISROEL: Yes, Rose. I... I think we should get divorced. We don't live together, and all I talk about is work. I can tell it drives you crazy.

ROSALINA: But, what about Analia? She's our kid.

YISROEL: I decided to give her to you. You care about her more than I ever did so it was the best solution. She seems to like you and Casey more than me, so what do you say?

ROSALINA: Wasn't expecting my welcome home party to start out like this, but I accept your offer. At least I have Casey with me.

YISROEL: Yes, you two are perfect together, which is why I want him to move in with you. Are you okay with that?

ROSALINA: Yes, yes I am.

YISROEL: Okay, citizens of Vabania please give a warm re-welcome to Catoamadeus and our new couple Rosalina and Catoamadeus

All the Vabanian's cheer

CATOAMADEUS: Is this normal?

ROSALINA: Yeah, just deal with it.


ROSALINA: Well it's been nice seeing you guys again, but we better get decorating. Easter is only a few hours away.

ANALIA: Can I help you guys?

ROSALINA: Sorry Analia, but decorating is a dangerous job.

ANALIA: Tough, but fair. Can I at least hide the eggs this year?

ROSALINA: Yeah, you can.

ANALIA: Sweet.

CATOAMADEUS: Wait, do you think she'll be fine by herself at our house while we're decorating?

ROSALINA: Oh right, I forgot about that.

ANALIA: Don't worry, I'll stay out of your way while you're decorating.

Analia lays underneath a tree near Rosalina and Catoamadeus, uses her magic to make a small fort around her and goes to sleep.

CATOAMADEUS: Wow, for a young kid, she's very gifted.

ROSALINA: Learned it from the best, me. Now come on, we'd better get decorating this part has gone on for long for long enough and we have to wrap up the movie soon.


They start decorating

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