I Don't Know If I'll Live 'Til Tomorrow

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   Servant still hasn't let go of Hinata's hand, but he doesn't really mind.  

   He likes the familiar warmth of contact with another human being, even if it's from someone as perplexing and annoying as Servant.

   Servant casually squeezes the Reserve's hand, humming under his breath.

   "So where are we even supposed to find this so-called Naegi Komaru?" Hinata wonders, "Is she even in Towa City, period?"

   "I would assume so since they want us to find her and you can't leave, correct? I wonder. . ."

   Hinata throws up his free hand. "Well, still, this is a whole-ass dangerous city! How are we supposed to find her, let alone know if she's even alive!?"

   "Hmm. . .I'm sure with my luck, we'll be able to figure something out," Servant smiles mysteriously, "After all, it always does."

   Hinata's nose wrinkles. "Stop being so fucking cryptic. Seriously."

   Servant just keeps smiling.

   "This is an impossible task!" Hinata complained.

   "Well, I don't know what to tell you, Reserve-kun. You had a chance to go and be free, but you didn't take it, so now you're stuck with me in this city."  

   Hinata bristles. "Only because I felt sorry for you." He snaps.

   Servant doesn't so much as blink or flinch. "Yes. I already puzzled that one out."

   ". . .I'm sorry."

   "I know."


   They've been wandering aimlessly around Towa City for about two hours now, waiting for Servant's 'luck' to kick in. Servant kept assuring him it was going to happen any second. And it does.

   It starts with the smell of something burning, accompanied by heavy smoke in the air. Hinata frowns, giving Servant a questioning look. Servant doesn't so much as falter, heading straight towards where the wreckage must be. 

   "Servant, wait! Shouldn't we be more cautious?"

   Servant shrugs, continuing to string the brunet along. "Screw caution."


   They turn the corner to find a swarm of Monokumas surrounding one thing, a crashed helicopter burning in the distance. Servant smiles.


   "What the hell is going on here?!" Hinata exclaims.

   "Wait here a second, love." 

   Before Hinata can protest, Servant is walking up to the Monokumas, who actually clear a path for him. It must have been part of the job as the servant to the Warriors of Hope.

   With all of the Monokumas out of the way, Hinata can see an unconscious girl curled up on the ground, presumably from the crash.

   Naegi Komaru. After all, who else would this Remnant be interested in?

   Servant smiles, bending over and scooping her up into his arms before turning back to Hinata. "She's pretty, isn't she?"

   Hinata forces himself to nod. "Very."

   Servant makes his way back to him with a sigh before dropping her body in the Reserve's tired arms. "You carry her," He yawns, "After all, you're stronger, right?"

   The brunet rolls his eyes. "You're unbearable; you know that, Servant."

   Servant shrugs, twirling his chain. "That may be so. But I would hope you would be used to me by now, huh?"

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