Chapter Five

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7:18 PM

October 25, 2012

Juliette Moore

            “Ok … so my turn?” I asked after chewing a piece of steak. Niall nodded at me as I thought for a moment. “Does anyone else know that you’re here?” I asked, curious about the answer. Niall took a long, drawn out sip of his water, and then set the drink down on the table.

            “No,” he muttered in reply, avoiding my gaze.

            “No as in not everybody, or no as in no one?” I asked, not really caring what the answer was, just curious about it.

            “No one.”

            I nodded and cut another piece out of my filet, and popped it in my mouth. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a truly amazing piece of steak, the type that was seasoned perfectly and cooked for the perfect amount of time, but I had it then. If steak could melt, that steak cut like butter in my mouth. I worked in a bakery so I was currently surrounded by sweets, but I was more of a savory girl.

            “I just didn’t want to make anyone worry about me, considering we’d barely even met. I knew you were great even then,” he assured, and I laughed softly, shaking my head.

            “I don’t care, I was just curious. I’d be scared of me if I’d only just met myself,” I replied, making him crack a smile.

            Our game of truth had lasted for half of the walk on the street through appetizers and just until we lingered on that question; although, it wasn’t the question that made me pause the conversation, it was the food that was piling up on our table every time the waiter came in.

            “Are you planning on fattening me up and eating me for dinner?” I asked jokingly as the waiter set down a small bowl of soup on the table. Niall laughed, shaking his head.

            “I thought it was my turn for asking a question?” he asked in reply, and I raised an eyebrow, pushing the soup towards myself and spooning a small amount into my mouth. It was French Onion and delicious.

            “Oh it is, but I take priority in knowing if my dates are cannibals,” I replied with a shrug and a small smile, enjoying the food that the restaurant provided. Niall faked a hurt look and took another bite of his steak, which although not a filet like mine, looked amazing.

            “Well, you’re safe with me,” he promised, “I’m just giving you a sample of all the foods here.” I looked at the table in front of me, and the proportions I doubted to be sample sized.

            “My hero,” I said softly setting down the spoon to take a sip of my drink.

            “You know it.”

            I kept my lips in a thin line to keep myself from laughing. After breaking through those unavoidable, awkward, first fifteen minutes of our date, I eased into it, not forcing smiles or laughter.

            “Even though I don’t care if no body knows about our date,” I started, circling our conversation back to that question in Truth, “I have a feeling some people would.” Niall gave me a look and shook his head.

            “Don’t you worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

            “Please, I’m worried about myself! I don’t want to be on bad terms with a management company that will murder me … or a best friend who likes to be kept up to date … or even a recent ex that you know still likes you, no matter how many times you’ve drawn that friend line.”

            “Well, don’t worry about yourself either,” he replied after a laugh, “You said it yourself, I’m your hero,” I rolled my eyes and looked down at the three current options in front of me. I could finish off my steak, have a little bit more of my soup, or eat some bread that hadn’t been devoured yet. I flicked my eyes over to Niall’s plate where some mashed potatoes sat, and I picked up fork.

            “Are you one of those germophobic people?” I asked, my fork hovering in the air between us. He shook his head, a confused expression creasing his forehead. “Then,” I started, leaning across the table, letting my fork scoop up a little dollop of mashed potatoes, “thanks for letting me have some of your entrée.”

            “Hmm, I’m pretty sure that isn’t something you would do on your first date,” Niall said when I ate the stolen food. I shrugged, settling back into my seat.

            “And I’m pretty sure going on a first date with somebody you don’t know isn’t orthodox either, but that is turning out ok,” I replied, setting the fork on the side of my plate.

            “Aren’t blind dates the same thing?” he asked, and I shook my head.

            “Nope,” I replied, popping the ‘p’, “because someone you know has set you up with that person, so you have to trust them.”

            “Can’t you trust yourself?” he asked, and I felt my brows crease. “In a blind date you trust someone you know to make the right choice, but in a date like this you have to trust yourself,” he explained. I just looked at him for a second, and then dropped my eyes to my expanse of plates.

            “Not the same thing,” I muttered, taking a small sip of water and keeping my eyes off him.

            “Really?” he asked, his tone making me look up at him. I gave him a nod, not saying anything, or carrying on the conversation. The truth was, he was right, but what he said wasn’t right for me. I didn’t trust myself.

Authors Note ~ I am sooooooo sorry it took forever to update, and for the fact that this is such a short chapter (only two pages!) I promise the next chapter will be nice and long, I pinkie promise :D Also I've decided for Niall and Juliette's ship name they're going to be called Nulie, and since to many reccomended that one I won't be giving anyone that dedication cause that'd be kinda unfair, so I'm just thanking you all right now :D AND I'm thanking all of you for all those reads I've gotten! Maybe I'll even be ranked soon ... stranger things have happened ;D



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