Ch 4

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Previous part

Mom & dad - we have an announcement .


Present part

Dad - but before announcing what happened them Eva they are looking like some one has beaten up .

Eva - n - no maknae line just fall on eachother and have been hitted themselves on furniture .

Mom - ok

Dad - we are leaving today for our Honey moon and business trip . We will back after 1 month or maybe 2month

All siblings - what !!

Yn - how can you leave me with this wierdo ( pointing Eva )

Mom - Don't worry they are other siblings also .

Kook - and when you are leaving

Mom - after half hour

Dad - jin and jisso take care of your siblings especially Yn , Eva and Ara .

Jin & jisso - ok dad

Yn - can I call my friends

Dad - no need to ask me you can

Mom - Eva do you know what you have to do

Eva - yes mom

Mom - hmm tell to them also and take care of Yn And Yn you also

Yn - ok mom

Bangpink X TXT X itzy POV

Mom - Eva do you know what you have to do

Eva - yes mom

Mom - hmm tell to them also and take care of Yn And Yn you also

Yn - ok mom

What mom is saying and Yn should take care of Eva not Eva should take care of her .

Back to Yn POV

Dad - we are leaving and take care of eachother .

Mom - bye everyone and Yn

Yn - bye mom I am gonna Miss you

Mom - i will also miss you and take care baby . Bye *smile*


Now just wait and watch Yn i will make every one hate you .

Back to Yn POV

Than mom and dad left me but suddenly some one pin me to the wall .

Jimin - now who is gonna save you

Flashback started to came in my mind . I closed my eyes

Yn - leave me or else .

Jimin - or else will you cry or will call mom . *Laughing*

Than Eva pulled him But I was having problem in breathing .

Eva - breath in and out

I said what she told me .

Eva - unnie are you fine ??

Yn - yes , just wait I will give you worst painful death *mumble*

Jin - umm......are you ok ?

Yn - why do you care ?

Jisso - coz dad told us to take care of you all . What happened ?

Yn - just remind some unwanted memory .

 𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓹𝓼𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 // • 𝓜𝓪𝓯𝓲𝓪 𝓐𝓾 •Where stories live. Discover now