Ch 12

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?? - I will be back KIM Y/N and I will destroy you and your family.

Present Part

Flashback End

Those memories were still in my mind. I wasn't able to move as my hand was shaking badly and I couldn't breathe. I tried the best to calm myself.

Eva - Unnie Unnie what happened??

She start rubbing my hands while pull me into a hug and whispered good words. Others in call were also worried but still they kept quiet. After a while I eventually calm down. She gave me a glass of water and I drank in one gulp. Finally they asked

Jackson - Y/n your ok now??

Y/n - hmm

Felix - I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable answer only if you want to so what happened??

Y/n - uh..huh

Solar - that's fine when you want to tell you can okk *softly*

I nodded

Bambam - So wanna continue or let's end it here

Y/n - Nah!! Let's continue So yes I will try to get some information about this tattoo ok?? Is there any other suspicious thing you noticed??

Hwasa - Noo but Do you think it's someone from my past

Y/n - Yes, I think the time has come

Everyone nodded as I spoke

Y/n - let's end it here Bye

Everyone left the call as Eva looked at her.

Eva - You remember something don't you??

Y/n - hmm

Eva - what is it

Y/n - uh...I will tell you later but I need sometime alone

Eva stared at her before leaving the room.

Y/n - You started the game and I will make sure that I end it


It was night already I stood in the balcony staring at the night skin as cold Breeze hit my skin. I smile bitterly remembering those past which I can't forget.

Y/n - what was my fault?? I wished to have a normal family and live happily but God decided something else. I would be happy only if that night incident didn't had happened. I accept my faith but somehow it's still hurt.

A year left my cheeks. I wiped it away as I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door only to see Jisso eonnie.

Jisso - Y/n Have you packed the back??

Y/n - uh....not yet

Jisso - Should I help

Y/n - No Thanks

I smiled at Jisso but clearly it was fake. But then she lock the room and made me sit on the bed and spoke.

Jisso - Something is wrong isn't it??
*Soft tone*

Y/n - Huh!!? Don't act like you care

Even though I was rude but still her soft gaze towards me didn't change and her eyes which showed care but I wasn't ready to trust anybody.

Jisso - I don't know what you went or going through nor I don't know anything about you. May be it's look like we don't care but some of us genuinely care about you it's just nobody is ready to accept you just because of our past traumas. I don't want you to trust us or anything but if you have any problem than you can tell me. *Soft tone*

She said after that she left from there. My eyes got teary but I held my emotions back. I had lots of thoughts in my mind but removing all my thoughts I start packing the bag. After I was finished someone knocked at the door. I opened the door to see Eva.

Eva - unnie come downstairs for dinner

Y/n - hm

I went downstairs as I saw Mrs Kim and Mr Kim with other talking and laughing that they weren't even aware of my presence. I coughed as they looked at me.

Mrs Kim - oh Y/n your here come and sit with us

Y/n - No I am hungry can we just eat *Coldly*

Mr Kim - sure yea

Without replying I went to the dinning room and settled myself on the chair. As all of them start coming one by one. The maid served the food. Not gonna lie I was really hungry and seeing tasty food I just start eating.

Mr Kim - has everyone packed the back

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Mr Kim - has everyone packed the back

Everyone - yeshh

Yeji - but where are we going??

Mr Kim - .......

                       AUTHOR NOTE

- Heyaaaa!!
It's been a long time since I uploaded any chapter and I am really sorry for that. I have been so busy with my life and I have problems too so I hope you understand and also comment if you like this chapter.

- byeeeeeee
Take care

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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