To request a character, simply fill out the form as much or as little as you want (you can even ask for a completely random character and not fill it out at all!) and we will fill in the rest.
(Letters you want to start with, do you want a first name only, first and last name, first middle and last name?)Age::
(Age range)Looks::
(Any certain characteristics)Gender::
(F or M)Sexuality::
(Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, Etc.)Personality::
(Certain traits or morals)Background::
(Specific happenings or bringing ups)Hobbies::
(Stuff they do for entertainment or are talented at)Interests::
(Stuff you are interested in or dabble at)Race::
(Caucasian/African American Etc)Clothing they generally wear::
(Thug, Artsy, Trendy, Ripped, Old, Etc)Relationships::
(Whether they're good or bad and with whom. Includes Romanticism and friendship)Occupation::
(A job they had before the apocalypse)Weapons::
(What they have on them, whether it a gun or a broken table leg)Other/Extra::
(Something you need to bring up?)
Adopt A Character - Character Adoption Center
AléatoireWelcome to our Character Adoption Center! We cater to your needs with characrers of all sizes, shapes, genders and much more. Whether they'd be perfect for the zombie apocalypse, horrible, in-between, or even take advantage of it, we breathe life in...