Chapter 1: witchbottle

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Targoviste, Wallachia: 1475

"Saintess! Saintess Please stop!"

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"Saintess! Saintess Please stop!"

"You are not supposed to go there!"

"Saintess Please!"

The nuns yelled running after the girl who was desperately trying to get to the courtyard.

Maria Verge the Saintess, the only person born by the grace of God as shown by her white hair and blue eyes.

She made it to the courtyard only to hear the woman scream. He eyes widen in shock.

"Stop! Stop the burning!" She yelled as she ran through the crowds of people.

"Saintess!" The nuns yelled.

"It's the Saintess."

"Why is she here."

"Does she want to stop the burning?"

"Saintess Maria! What are you doing here? Go back to your tower immediately!" Bishop commanded.

"Why so I can have a birds eye view of this madness! Stop the fire now!" She demanded.

"She will not, she is a witch and she she deserves to be punished." Bishop said.

"That is for God to decide, not you!" She yelled and walked towards the stake.

"Stop her!" Bishop yelled and the priest who were praying came before her and blocked her way.

"What are you doing? Get out of my way!" Maria yelled.

"Beloved Saintess one who's heart is so kind, and so pure thst you'd even reach out your hand for a witch." Bishop sighed.

"Let me through please stop the fire so I can heal her, we can't keep killing each other off because we are different or because we don't believe in the same thing, please let me through so I can heal her and we can investigate this properly!" Maria begged as she tried to get through.

"Restrain her." Bishop said.

"What no, let me go! Unhand me!" Maria yelled.

"Quite the loud one isn't she?" Mayor asked.

"Always has been ever since she was a baby. But she has to realise that her only job is to do as she's told and properly act as a Saintess." Bishop said as they watched her try to get away.

"Aaargh!" Lisa screamed as she was engulfed in flames.

"Nooo!" Maria yelled in agony as she started to cry.

How many more times must she this injustice, how many times must someone burn for the pleasure of the church who love to justify all their actions as the word of God. If they had just listened to her, they could have heard it too. Uf they had just listened if they had just understood.

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