Chapter 7: Last Spell

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They've been in the library for a couple days now and Maria found books of Saints through out history a true treasure to help her figure out What exactly she's capable of. And every page was knew skill, power to learn but she especially enjoyed reading the stories.

"So, what are you reading all snuggled up in a corner."


"I'm so sorry!" She gasped when she realised she punched Alucard right in the face.

"'s alright, you pack quite a mean left hook." He said massaging his chin as he sat next to her.

"Well that good although it's your own fault for sneaking up on me." She said as she continued reading.

"What are you reading?" He asked as he picked up one of the many books around her and opened.

"If you must know, these are books about Saints, the ones before me...I never knew that there were so many, around the world no less." She said with a sad smile.

"Really?" He said leaning in next to her.

"What exactly are you here for Alucard?" She asked a bit annoyed.

"I wanted to thank you...for the meal." He said looking a little shy which took her off guard for a moment.

"You're welcome...don't tell me you want more?" She teased as she pulled her collar to reveal her neck.

"Of course not!" He exclaimed making her laugh.

"I'm joking, but your welcome...I can't exactly have you feeding on everyone because you've been sleeping for some years." She said flipping the page and he chuckled.

"I supposed you're right." He said and started to read alongside.

"You saints sure are interesting." He said.

"Yeah, they were." She said.

"You make it sound like you're not one of them." He said.

"Can I even consider myself one of them? They've achieved great things since they were young and all I've done in sit still and look pretty for the church." She chuckled closing the book in her hands.

"What about your parents?" He asked.

"Don't have any. It's funny people think that Saints fall from the sky like angels, when truth is we're born like any other child, we're just...chosen. Apparently from what I heard from the Nuns I was born from a prostitute and as soon as I was born she sold me to the church and left me without turning back and I don't even know who my father is...heh." She sighed.


"You know I talked to your mother before she died." She said.

"You did?" He asked surprised.

"Mhm, tried to convince her to let me help her escape but she refused. Instead she told me about her husband and her son. She talked a lot about you in a span of a couple hours, but never would I have guessed that her husband was Dracula was and her son was a handsome halfbreed." She chuckled.

"You think I'm handsome?" He asked smiling.

"Just stating fact Alucard, don't get a big head." She shoved him jokingly.

"...How did you meet Trevor?" He asked.



A few weeks after Maria fled from the church she's been doing fine so far doing odd jobs, like bartending, waitressing cleaning all the while runnning and hiding from the church goons. Who despite looking so fat and gross looking were surprisingly agile.

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