Chapter 4: Monument

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Chaos ensued in the streets of the city. Citizens chasing down Trevor and Maria trying to make sure he doesn't die.

Meanwhile at the Church. Bishop stood patient for the news of the death lf the Speakers demise.

The door bolt clancked as ut was pried open which brought his attention as he smirked. The door closed leaving him in darkness and candle light.

"Who's that? Are the Speakers dead?" He asked.

"No." A beasty voice said from the shadows.

"Well, ger back out  there. The Speakers have to die before the sun goes down." Bishop said.

"The already down." A beastly blue glowing cresture said as it came out from the shadows. Then the growls of the night creatures could also be heard as the appeared from all around and behind the pillars.

"You cannot enter the house  of God." Bishop said and the beast snarled.

"God is not here. This us an empty box." It said as the night creatures closed in on Bishop.

"God is in all His Churches." Bishop said.

"Your God's lovr is not unconditional. He does not love us and he does not love you. Your Saintess knew this and abandoned the church as instructed by him." It said.

"I have done his bidding. My life's wirk is in his name. And that girl had no right to leave the Church, to abandon God, she is but a heretic now. " He said.

"You're life's work makes Him puke." It said .

"I am the Bishop of Gresit!"

"Your God knows that we wouldn't be here without you. This is all your fault, isn't it?" It asked.

"She was a witch!" Bishop yelled.

"Lies? In your house of God? No wonder he and the Saintess abandoned you. But we love you." It said.


"We love you. We couldn't be here without you." It said as it climbed up towards him. The Bishop was terrified as it reached out it's hands to his face.

"Let me...kiss you." It said as it held his face dearly. The beast stsrted chomping and sounds or slurping was heard as pounds of blood pooled on the floor with Bishop groaning in pain.

(AN: I won't lie I was so happy when this bastard died, though I felt like it wasn't enough)


Trevor was panting heavily as he ran through the streets.

"He went that way!"

Trevor was unfortunately cornered and tired.

"Looks like I've got no choice." Maria mumbled as she began to imbue her arrow with holy power.

"I'll just stun them." She mumbed and let the arrow fly. It landed by the line of the people as they were closing in on him and as it landed it released a bright light that blinded them.

Then a stream of fire headed towards him and encircled him causing the people to panic. Trevor looked up to see Sypha up on a building using magic.

"Witch!" Burly yelled.

"No! I am a Speaker and a scholar of magic. I serve no demon and I do no evil." She said and blasted a cold wind.

"You've got quite the girl huh? Trevor." Maria said as she landed besude him.

"She's not my girl." He grumbled. Sypha made a path protecting them from the mob.

"You never told me you were a magician?" He asked her.

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