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Hello! I would like to give you all a note for any that don't end up liking it. The OC in this story is based off of both my own body and what I find really beautiful in other women. I'm not shaming anything or anyone. I don't care how you would see me but keep any mean comments about anything to yourself.

You are all free to comment however you like. But don't comment on anything bad. If you don't like it. Leave.

This story is just what I thought up and thought wow I'd like to write it up. So it's not anything serious.

But if you like it, then I won't stop you from reading it. Just don't expect a lot.

There are no specific warnings except blood and death. What do you expect, it's a fanfic about Attack on Titan. Oh and also cursing.

Another side note, for Hanji, I'm going to use she/her pronouns. Sorry for any of you that can't really stand that but it's what's easiest for me when I'm writing.

But anyways, hope you enjoy it! 

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