Chapter 3

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Adira POV -

It's been a few months ever since I've helped with the Shiganshina breach. I have a feeling that today is the day that the government will enforce the reclamation of Wall Maria which is just a fancy cover-up title for a culling. If I remember correctly, 250,000 people were forced to go on this mission, and only about 100 or 200 returned, all severely injured.

I have a plan to save many of them. Maybe a little less than half of those numbers. I'm aware that they will all be separated, so I can't get my hopes up. I have a plan which is that I will travel to Wall Maria. I will kill any titan that I come across. When I have found the people, I will carry any that I can like back in Shiganshina. But now that I'm aiming to save more, I will have to let many people float near me with my wind powers. If it's at least higher than 30 meters then no other titans can get to them.

I had the idea to secure a safe place high in the trees far off in titan country where I have already made accommodations for people that would eventually stay there. I used my powers to make tree houses at least 30 meters up, with bridges connecting trees so that the survivors would still be able to walk around a bit and interact with others. I've also secured the area with my scent so that in case any stray titans would wander in, they would immediately leave. It was a precaution in case anyone fell or went down the trees.

I've made sure to have chosen trees where animals reside, where there are also fruits and vegetables growing along the thick branches which are definitely at least 3 meters wide. This would increase the chance of survival for them until titans are wiped out and they can return home to their families. It's not the perfect foolproof plan, but it's all I can do on such short notice.

Now it's time to head back and start the plan. So I left my forest and made sure that I double checked everything and left. I headed towards the gate and met a few titans along the way. There are barely any more as they all moved in towards the walls and inner gates. That's not good. But anyways, I arrived at the gate and I kind of don't feel like crawling through a very tight fitting hole again, so I'll just climb.

I hardened my fingers and toes with a mixture of Tungsten and Diamond using my earth element and started climbing. I just started by attaching to the wall then I climbed and took hold of the top of the wall. I heaved my body and sat on top. I switched my legs over the top and dropped the distance down. It's so easy to just climb these walls. I didn't even really jump that far because of my height.

Anyways, I moved further and came across the forest of giant trees. Now that I'm close enough but still far away, I stretched my senses using the wind and listened and smelled everything. The scent of earth and dirt were the first I smelled. Then came the unique scent belonging to titans. Then all the metal and rocks in large quantities. Lastly, the large gathering of body odor, fear, and desperation. Just from the scent, the mission will start soon, maybe in another week or so.

I guess I'll just wait and familiarize myself with the area. Maybe kill off some titans if any come close to me. So I just started relaxing and walking around. Finally, on the 3rd day, I sensed the large group of people leaving the walls. Fear, desperation and acceptance were the scents that prevailed the most.

Well, I guess it's my turn to get ready. I was already walking around when I came across the remains of around 50 people that were probably ambushed and eaten. It's a gruesome sight but I'll have to get used to it if I want to live in this world.

I continued walking and that's when my whole plan started. I saw a whole crowd of people in the distance and the approaching titans, ready to eat. I started running and before they knew it I was already behind the group. The titans had just managed to arrive and were already eating a few. Because of my massive frame and thundering footsteps, my entrance wasn't exactly all discrete, but that's fine.

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