Chapter 2

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~ Someplace other ~

??? POV -

'Fuck this shitty paperwork. That bastard is always forcing some absolute shit onto me while he does the easy stuff.' I was in my office filling out paperwork and documents that were needed for upcoming expeditions. I was almost done with the stack when I could hear the rapid thudding from the hallway. I sighed because I already know who that is. As soon as that thought finished, the door slammed open and shitty glasses barrelled in.

"Shorty! Erwin has something to talk about with us! Let's goooo!" She came up to me and pulled me out of my chair. Damn it and I was almost done with the horrid stack of paperwork. "Shut up shitty glasses, I can walk on my own. And don't call me that."

We walked down the hallway with shitty glasses giggling and babbling about titans or some shit. We came up to Erwin's door, knocked and entered when we heard 'come in'. "Ah good, I have something to discuss with you. It's not good so please sit down." Wow damn. If the tiredness in his voice is anything to go by, whatever this news may entail won't be good.

We sat down while Erwin put away his paperwork. "So I'm here to inform you that wall Maria was broken through a few hours ago."

"And you didn't bother to tell us earlier. We have to start an evacuation of wall Maria into wall Rose. And where was the original attack?"

"Levi, I'm aware that this should have gotten to us earlier but I also only just got the news. The garrison has already started evacuating the villages in wall Maria. And from what was stated in the letter, it looks like the original attack had taken place in the southern district of Shiganshina."

"But what is big or strong enough to break down both the outer and inner gates?" Hanji asked while looking at Erwin with unfamiliar seriousness. Erwin looked at her then back at the letter in his hands.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about with you two. 3 abnormals we're sighted when this went on. All three looking unusual and definitely didn't have the capabilities of normal mindless titans." Abnormal titans that could cause such mass destruction?

"So you're telling us that these 3 are somehow working together to kill us humans?" I asked with a dead expression. Erwin shook his head. "It looks like 2 were working together while the other was just there and did what nobody would have thought was possible." There he goes off again with his damn cryptic messages.

"What do you mean? Does it say what they look like? What are their abilities? What did they do?" There she goes. Firing off her rapid questions whenever anything is ever remotely interesting or related to titans.

"Well I'll tell you about the 2 that broke down the walls first. The first is what we are going to be calling the Colossal titan. It was huge. It was about 60 meters. It's entire head fit over the wall. It kicked a hole into the outer wall then disappeared. Normal titans soon started flooding in through the hole, and that's how the chaos started."

"60 METERS! Ahh~ I wonder what kinds of experiments we can do on it. I can't wait!"

"Yes Hanji, 60 meters. Anyways, the second one that we are going to be calling the Armored titan, broke down the inner gate. It was a 15 meter class but it was thick and burly. Covered in very thick armored plates, all over its body. It ran and busted straight through the wall. This happened some time after the appearance of the Colossal. Both disappeared as fast as they appeared."

Hanji made some strange noise that was in between a shriek and a moan. It was a damn weird sound to hear coming out of her mouth. "So you're saying that both titan just appeared and disappeared as fast as they came!? I need to see that at least once!"

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