P a r t ③

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"Wah~ Gym is so boring..." I sigh to myself. Lev looked over at me with the same bored expression I had. We where waiting to start a game of volleyball when the guys came running through, yelling and laughing. A few guys stopped to talk to their girlfriends and the teachers just watched for a moment before shrugging and turning back to their work.

Suddenly Natsu came over to me, grabbed me by the waist and planted a kiss on the top of my head. "Stay after school in the library today, okay Luce?" He said as he let go and started heading the other way.

My eyes where wide and my face was read. Levy looked at me and squealed loudly and jumped on me.

"Lu! Oh my gosh!" She had me in a death grip.

"Lev--can't--breathe..." I gasped. She let go looking embarrassed as she apologized. I regained my ability to breathe and I straightened my back.

"Did...Natsu really just..?" I look at Levy in disbelief. She nods with the widest grin plastered on her face. I looked down as my own face grew red. From the point on I struggled to keep my head in the volleyball game. But as the guys came back in Natsu caught my eye and smirked at me and I visibly blushed.

Lev punched my arm lightly and pushed me towards him. As the teachers let us go I shyly caught up to Natsu. "H-hey!" I smile at him.

"Hi Luce. Whoa- your hair is all tussled. Did things get a bit rough today?" He chuckles.

"Uh, well kinda..." I bite my lip as I remember getting whacked in the back of the head by a low serve.

"You look cute like that, with your hair messed up like that," he commented, "though I'd prefer it if I had been the one to tussle it up like that." He murmurs the last part and I look up at him with curiosity.

"What do you mean by that..." I glance away.

He leans in and whispers in my ear, "That's for me to know...and you to find out later." I glare at him and punch his arm lightly and we both laugh. Then we split off to change and head to our next classes.

• • •

At the end of the day I grabbed my bag and headed for the library. I had a few butterflies flitting around in my stomach. But internally I was telling myself that Natsu probably just needed help with some homework he had and only needed me for that.

I smile at the librarian as I pass her. She heads into her office and sits at her computer and begins working so I head to a table and sit down on the table top. The door to the library pushes open and Natsu strolls in, his hands in his pockets. His onyx eyes meet mine and a grin spreads across his face.

"Hey Luce," he greets me as he sets his stuff by mine at the table.

"So...why did you need me to stay here?" I ask tentatively.

"Ah, I needed a bit of some help with something," my heart sank a bit. I nod and smile at him, shoving the small ache back down my throat.

"Okay, let's get to it then!" I state and place my hands on the table. "What is it you need help with?" I ask.

"Well, I need one of the books, can you come help me find it so we can start?" He looks at me after setting his things down. I nod and step back from the table and head to the shelves. We walk back into the shelves and he tells me the title of the book. I start searching for it among the shelves.

I spot it on a taller upper shelf and I reach for it but my fingers barely graze the skin of the book. That's when I feel a warm presence behind me and an arm reaches for and grabs the book. My face heats up and I don't turn around right away. Natsu backs up and heads back to the table and I breathe out slowly and carefully.

I walk back to the table and sit beside him in a chair. He shows me a difficult research project he had been working on, and he only needed a little more information and a bit of work to complete it.

"Okay," I flip open the book, knowing a lot on the topic I knew what to look for. I fingered through pages and bit my lip habitually. I pursed my lips and pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear when it fell forward.

"Ah! Here it is," I grin and push the book towards Natsu, who was giving me a heart melting look. I felt myself go red and I quickly looked away, too quickly. He probably noticed...

I pull my notebook from my bag and scribble in it as he finishes. My mind and heart alike are racing. I had to get myself under control. I gently and carefully closed my notebook and put it away before looking over Natsu's work.

"It looks good, thanks Luce," he grinned at me. I smile back and feel my heart skip a beat.

"I'll walk you home," Natsu says standing and shouldering his bag. I shake my head politely.

"No, it's fine," I assure him.

"Lucy," he raises an eyebrow at me. I fold my arms and look away. He seems to know I fall for that look...

"You don't have to..."I murmur.

He wraps an arm around my waist making me squeak in surprise. "But I want to, and I'm going to." He says assertively. My eyes widen at this more dominant side of him.

"Alright..." I sigh and give in. He looks at me with a light smirk and I laugh and shake my head as we start walking. As we make our way down the street I look around, constantly keeping my eyes busy so they didn't float to the pinkette beside me.

"Hey Lucy, has Erza told you about the upcoming masquerade ball they are going to throw?" Natsu glances at me and for the first time on the walk my eyes meet with his. I swallow and shake my head.

"No, she and I haven't had much time to talk recently. What about it?" I ask him carefully.

"Ah well," he holds the back of his neck. "I want to go but, I don't want to go alone." He tosses a look with so much pleading in it I had to bite back laughter.

"And you want me to go? You know I don't do dances..." I mutter.

"Yeah, Luce, I know but I really want to go with you and-" I stop him.

"Wait you want to go with me? Like together?" I ask. He nods.

"What? Is there something wrong with that?" He tilts his head to the side slightly.

"N-no...but I guess I will go, just this once, because you asked me to," I relent. He chuckles and pulls me closer making me blush. When we get to my place Natsu leaves with a wave and I hurry inside. I toss my bag aside and take off my uniform. I dive into my bed with my phone and text Lev.

To Lev:

Natsu asked me to go to the masquerade ball!! \(////)\

*bzzt* *bzzt*

From Lev:

Lu! That's amazing! Did you kiss?! ( ^ω^ )

To Lev:

No... It's just a friend thing!(_)

From Lev:

I thought you hated dances anyway~(・・?))

To Lev:

I'm making an exception.Σ(゚дlll

From Lev:

You should confess ψ(`∇')ψ

To Lev:

I can't take that risk. Night Lev..
(_ _).o

I sigh and set my phone aside. That's when I bury myself in blankets.

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