P a r t ⑤

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"I'll help~!" Wendy sang and helped me put dishes in the dishwasher.

I laughed and said, "You just want to see the dress, don't you?" She looked at me guiltily and nodded, which made me laugh more.

"Ah, come on sweetie, let's finish and go see it," I place another plate. We finish our work quickly and Natsu seems to be dozing off on the couch as I lead her to my room. I pull the dress from my closet, and she stares at it in awe.

"Can I wear it?" She asks hesitantly.

"Yeah, come on, I'll help you." I lay it across the bed and beckon her forward. I help her undress and then I pull the dress over her. It's a bit big but I pin it where necessary.

"I feel like a princess," she giggles.

"Ah, but Wen, you are a princess," I wink at her and we laugh.

"Come on princess Wendy, we must wake the Evil Dragon Natsu, and slay him!" I whisper dramatically and pull her towards the door.

"Alright! Let's go!" She agrees. We sneak up beside the couch and suddenly pounce on Natsu- laughing and tickling him.

"What the-!" Natsu jerks awake.

"Get the dragon, princess Wendy!" I laugh and climb over Natsu with her. When Natsu catches on he pretends to die and Wendy smirks triumphantly.

"Yeah! I killed the Evil Dragon!" She looked back at me and I nodded in approval.

She then climbed off and said, "Your turn to wear the dress, Lucy!" Before taking off to my room.

"Evil Dragon, huh?" Natsu says from beneath me. I realize I'm practically straddling him and start to get off but he grabs me and starts tickling me like crazy.

"Na-Na-Natsu! St-Stop!" I demand through laughs. He stops tickling me and I fall against him, breathing and letting my muscles relax.

"I told you, you would regret what you did," he chuckled.

"Jerk," I get up and stick my tongue out at him before heading to my room. Wendy was dressed again and had the dress laid out and waiting for me. I quickly changed and then after Wendy made me twirl for her she grinned.

"Ya know, Lucy now that the Evil Dragon was defeated..." she paused to open the door and peek out, "He's a handsome prince." She grabbed my wrist and with more strength then she should have she pulled me from my room, my hair falling from its tie.

I let go and she moved out of the way to let me fall against Natsu, who she had beckoned to the door. I blushed when I felt his hands at my waist, holding me securely.

"Again Luce, you're such a klutz..." He chuckled.

"Shut up..." I murmur embarrassed.

"You look beautiful," he says, making my breath catch and my heart rate speed up. With three words he could effect me so greatly.

"..." I don't respond, as I know my voice would crack from embarrassment. I saw Wendy grinning behind him, and suddenly it hit me. She was just as aware as my friends were of my feelings for her older brother. I smiled and then I righted myself. I held my arm self-consciously.

"I should change..." I murmur and head back to my room. I take the dress off and hang it back in its place, before I pull on shorts and a tank top. I step back out and see Wendy has fallen asleep on the couch. Natsu covered her up and then he looked up and met my gaze.

"Mind if we stay the night?" He asks.

"I don't mind. But since she has the couch..." I look at him, almost pleading for him to say it. Please, say it...

"I can sleep with you...if you're okay with it," he responds evenly.

"Sure, you can sleep with me," I shrug like its nothing. Inside I was jumping up and down. Natsu followed me to my room and we sat on my bed talking.

"No way, ramen is the best!" I argue.

"Hah, Fire Chicken made at The Chikin Place? Trumps ramen any day," he seemed to dare me with the glint in his eye.

I huff, defeated. "Whatever.." I send him a sideways glance.

"So, how is your mom?" I ask him, thinking of Mrs. Dragneel. He falls silent a moment.

"She's okay. I mean, dad is stressing her out. He's constantly working and traveling, and she of course follows along. They want to retire in a few years and hand things off to Wendy and I." I stare at him, a little surprised. It's been a little while since we have talked like this.

"Well... I'd like to see them again... I find I miss them as if they were my own parents," I laugh nervously. "Strange, isn't it..." I murmur.

Natsu shakes his head and looks at me directly. "They've always been your parents too Luce, and they always will be." He grabs my hand and holds it gently. I nod and blush slightly at his gesture.

"Jeez," he removes his hand and moves it to his shirt. "It's so hot in here. Can you open the window Lucy?"

I lean over and push the glass up as Natsu tosses his shirt aside. I force my eyes not to travel below his neck. Lucy, don't you dare. Don't you dare look- oh jeez, you looked. My eyes fell upon his tan and well defined chest. How I wished to curl up against that, and run my hands over the skin of his stomach...

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. Thankfully Natsu didn't seem to notice. He stretched out and relaxed on the pillow. "For fall, it's a pretty warm day..." He notes.

I shrug. "Season is still changing its colors, we have a few summer esque nights left," I look out the window. I hear Natsu's soft snoring and I know he's asleep. I look over at him and lean down and kiss his forehead.

"I love you..." I murmur before falling asleep beside him again. I didn't know how much the words I said in that moment would alter everything that was about to happen. And I wouldn't have a clue until the ball...

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