Chapter { 29 } : School part 1

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Mirabella :

I woke up after hearing snores by my side, I groaned and glanced at my left to find Mattio asleep, already wearing clothes to leave the house.

"Matt?, wake up, you dumbass, when the hell did you get here?", I asked while getting up, and stretching.

He groaned, "let me sleeep",

"Wake uuup, why are you here anyways",

He got up and rubbed his eyes, and then they went wide as if he realised something.

He ran to me, stumbling in the process, and griped my shoulders.

"Yeah.. well, I came to wake you up, and probably slept here-anyways...... it's your first day of school", he breathed out.

My first day of school.

"Holly shit, it's my first day of school", I exclaimed and ran towards my bathroom.

I glanced at Mattio, "go, I'll get ready".

He laughed but went anyways.

Shoot it's my first day of school, it's been about a week since the fight at the warehouse.

And today as you can see, is my first day in hell.

I showered, let my hair dry by itself, and did my morning routine, and ran towards my walk in closet.

Ughgh, I have nothing to wear.

I picked a random black shirt, and a skirt, along with black boots.

( the boots are less heeled)

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( the boots are less heeled)

I styled my hair in a half up half down kinda thing, and wore a bit of makeup, along with my violet necklace and my ring, and added silver earings.

My hair flew with me as I ran towards the kitchen.

I'm totally late.

I entered and saw my brothers eating.

"How are you NOT panicking, we're gonna be late", I screeched.

"And who's fault is that, bella", asked enzo with a smirk.

"Totally yours for sending Matt to wake me up, you know he falls asleep whenever he has a chance", I said as nana Isa made me a chocolate sandwich.

"I agree", said Luca.

"Morning bambina, are you excited for school?", asked papà kissing my head.

I gave him my best bored look, and everyone chuckled.

"Well of course I am.... everyone is going to be asking me why i didn't come last year, and all", I sighed.

"Yep, defenetly", said leo, and I gave him my best glare.

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