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It wasn't true when people said that Van Gogh cut off his left ear because he wanted his face to look symmetrical while painting himself. Everyone who believed it were dumb.

Van Gogh cut his left ear because of his temper while he was working with another painter named Paul Gauguin, whom he had been working with for the painting in Arles. In short, Van threatened Paul with a knife and though since he couldn't do it, cut his own ear instead in symbol of his nerving temper.

Right now, I want to do what Van Gogh did.

Cut off my fucking ears. Not the left one, both of them.

Everyone has been talking about Kai and Jennie dating that for some reason, has been the talk of almost everyone by the time I got into our department. I don't even know why they are talking about this when Jennie and Kai are not even from our department - I guess, that's how it is when you're as famous as you can be in the university itself.

"So. . .it's true, they really are dating." Nayeon chirped, making me groan, closing my eyes briefly and sighing. "You said they weren't."

"They weren't, not until last night," I murmured the last part, enough for them to hear. Nayeon only laughed, with a hint of I knew it behind the laughter, Jeongyeon only chuckled as she did so. "She seems. . .eh, into it. She does what she wants."

"I heard he treats her well."

"Where did you hear that?" Jeongyeon turned to her girlfriend, who shrugged in return. "The guy hasn't been here for about a week, he's been here for like, four days I think? They just started dating."

"Look, the thing is, they're a hot topic and they're dubbed as the couple of the whole university as of the moment." Nayeon rolled her eyes, standing up from her seat. "The Professor is taking too long to arrive, my ADHD can't take this." and then just like that, she stood up and went to the other students, only making Jeongyeon and I shake our heads.

"But honestly, they're dating?"

"Yes, Jennie just admitted it last night." I murmured, looking down at my notebook where I was previously reading my notes before class - yes, I am a good student. "I don't want to talk about it anymore, that's all I hear about the moment I entered the school, please."

Jeongyeon only chuckled, giving me a smile. "How do you feel about it?"

I puffed my cheeks. What do I feel about it? In all honesty, I don't fucking know. It was so sudden that I had to take it in for a moment before doing so. But for sure what I'm feeling right now is I don't want to see them together at the moment - is that a feeling? "Feels weird," was what I decided to say. "Since, I'm always with Jennie and thinking about it, I guess I won't be the only one she's going to hang out with."

"Understandable," Jeongyeon nodded, humming. "This is a genuine question though,"


"Do you not like. . .Jennie?" Jeongyeon let out, making me look at her. "Like, not in a friendship way - more of like a romantic way."

I stared at her.

I actually never thought of it that way.

Sure, there were a lot of times when Jennie made me feel weird things, and so far I haven't even liked someone romantically, as priesty as it sounds - but I was never interested in someone before enough to realize I like them romantically. You see, I was a loner for quite a while and I didn't pay attention to those things thinking it's not really as important (until now, I don't think it is).

Jennie's What? - j.kWhere stories live. Discover now