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Part II : Color Me Impressed.

Staring at the girl she had grown with her whole entire life, just. . .taking in the presence of her, right in front of her and not just some photoshoot she has seen on social media, Athena's figure around the same height as her, both of them standing face to face, Y/N let out a rather, much tired disbelieving chuckle.

Nothing seemed to have changed, the way the girl in front of her dresses was the same way as she did a decade ago, her love for gold and the almost goddess-like curve of her body and sculpted by the gods shape face still the very same.

It was very refreshing to see.

"Miss Young told me the invitation would be delivered over tomorrow." Y/N says, closing her eyes briefly - taking a seat on her bed. "Your presence is something least I expected."

"Well, Miss Young, was informed by my secretary to relay the message that I'd give the invitation to you personally," Athena crossed her arms, tilting her head as she looked at her thoroughly. "And here I am. I figured it'd be a good thing for me to give it to you since, well, you won't be able to run from us anymore now that all of us have come to the designated age to reign."

Y/N only chuckled, shaking her head. "And if I don't want to come back?"

Athena rolled her eyes. "As if you had any choice." she responds, a cackle leaving her lips. "Come with me. I'd get someone to come by and clean this shit hole you're living in."

"This shit hole is my comfort apartment."

"Yeah well, does it look the most appealing to you at the moment?" Athena asked her sarcastically, looking around the place where she literally flipped everything out. "And you expect me to stay and spend more time here in this small apartment? Please, Aki. I've spent enough time waiting for you here and I don't want to stay here any longer. I feel suffocated," she says, complaining while fanning herself like the diva she was.

All the latter could do was chuckle, shrugging. "Fine." she says, standing up. "I don't want anything touched though, I don't want anyone coming here and fixing my shit."

Athena gaped at her in disbelief. "I don't even think the cleaner deserves to clean a small apartment like this in the first place! That's discrimination for them. Even their way of cleaning is considered luxury. I'd feel sorry." she beams, following Y/N all the way out of the said place.

"Then why offer in the first place?"

"I'm willing to spend the most expensive cleaners for my best friend whom I haven't seen in decades. Is that too much?"

Y/N, for the first time after what happened that night, let out a laugh. "You never changed, really."

Like the response with them leaving the building, the latter didn't question it when there was suddenly a prestigious Mercedes-Benz S-Class car outside her apartment, a driver out already opening the back door for them. Athena first got in, and then Y/N - sighing to herself because she was back to immersing herself with everything luxury. But who was she kidding? This is the Lim's.

This is Lim Jiah, and she just. . . never failed to flaunt the extravagance and wealth of her family.

No wonder they were dubbed as the loudest family among the chaebols.

"My house," Athena told the driver, in which the man nodded, and just like that, they were on their way. "Let's get this wrapped up in my place," she murmurs, taking her Versace handkerchief made out of silk before reaching out for Y/N's hand wrapping it around the wound gently. "I'm disappointed. You didn't break your hand." she smiled cynically at the girl.

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