Chapter Twelve: The Human Factor

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No sign of (Y/N) but I did find something that was rather strange. I was on the warship at the time but I saw that Breakdown's signal had suddenly popped back online, all be it corrupted. Megatron told me to investigate with caution as it might be an Autobot trick. I hope not. I went with a few troops to see a human government base in ruins. All smoke and fire. I soon saw Breakdown's silhouette in the smoke. I got friendly and asked where he's been until I actually saw him.

He looked like he had been torn apart and then fused back together. He was rusty beyond belief and his eye patch had been taken away. Concerned, I asked what had happened to him. But, when he spoke, the voice I heard was not his. Okay, what has happened to my old partner? This thing, I'd rather not call him Breakdown, said that he had something for Megatron. He wouldn't tell me what it was, only for me to take him to Megatron. I was rather reluctant to do as he asked but I had to know what this creature was. So, I took him to Megatron. 

"Knockout, what is this abomination?! And why have you brought it here?" Megatron asked

"I am Silas, as in cybernetic life augmented by symbiosis. I come with a proposition," It said

Wait a minute. I know that name. He's the one (Y/N) talked about and the one who dissected Breakdown! 

"This is the human who dissected Breakdown and experimented on (Y/N)," I said making my saw appear, "Please, my liege, allow me to return the favor."

No one gave any response.

"I propose that you not overlook the one asset that provides Optimus Prime an advantage at least, on this world," Silas said to Megatron

"And that would be?" Megatron asked

"The human factor."

"Look around you, Silas! I command an army from a mighty warship. What could a human possibly offer?"

"I am no ordinary human, and this is no ordinary weapon."

Silas began to explain what he had brought with him. It was a weapon he designed while in the military. A satellite with a laser that could destroy anything on the planet.

"A threat to anyone, anywhere on the planet?" Megatron asked

"With pinpoint accuracy at the flick of a switch," Silas said

"And what is it that you wish in return?"

"Merely a place at the table."

Absolutely not! You experimenting on my partners is one thing, but disrespecting the dead by using Breakdown's corpse is another! And that's where I draw the line! I glared at him and growled a little. Megatron and Silas left to test the satellite while I left. I want no part in this! Besides, I have more important things to do. Like locating (Y/N) and bringing her back! It's been days since I last saw her! I want her back. She's all I have left. But, Megatron told me to stay. I'd rather not but fine. After a while of waiting, I finally got some good news.

Silas's plan had failed but he was given a place at the table. My dissection table. Good. I can have my revenge on this monster. I used my Energon Prod to electrocute him and had troops drag him to my lab. But I had to know if he knew anything about (Y/N)'s whereabouts. I more than happily tortured him for the information until he finally revealed that he saw her in the forest somewhere. She had seen him but ran away into a hole in the ground. It was under a tree, with a ladder going down.

I, of course, asked for a location. It was in the same forest I've been searching in for days now. I've looked there. Four times! She isn't there! But, I suppose it's worth another try. I used the information provided by Silas to lead me to the supposed hole and ladder. I looked around for hours and found nothing. Just a lot of trees and a random stack of wooden pallets. I guess that could be mistaken for a ladder. Taking my chances, I walked over to see that it lead underground. There was obviously someone or something in there as there was candlelight coming out from it. I activated my holoform and climbed in.

What I saw down there made me wonder how it was created in the span of a few days. There was a lot to take in so I'll try and remember it all. On each side of the room were about four hammocks in total, a ceiling light full of fireflies, and a single candle near the hammock in the far end, a small fireplace with a pot for cooking food, what looked to be ship rigging covered the hammock on the far end, a lot of old sailing ship parts were keeping the underground room up, and there were just little colored flags everywhere.

And yet, no (Y/N). But the fireflies and the candle are all new. Who could be living here? Well, just have to wait and see. I sat down somewhere and waited. It would be at least another hour until someone came back. And that someone was (Y/N) with what looked like a dead chicken. She climbed down the pallets and turned to see me waiting for her.

"You've been hiding from me," I said

"I wanted some time alone," (Y/N) said, "Looks like you've been doing okay without me."

"(Y/N), I have been searching for you for days," I stood up, "I was worried for you. I only found you thanks to Silas."

"The leader of M.E.C.H?" 

"Worse now. He's using Breakdown's body as his own."

"Wait, that's what I saw?" I nodded in response, "That was awful."

"Yes. But Megatron has given me permission to experiment on him. This gives the two of us a chance to take revenge on the one who experimented on you both. But please, come back with me. I missed you so much. And I'm so, so sorry for being so rude to you. I promise I will never do it again."

(Y/N) stayed quiet for a moment, "Alright, I will. Now come here."

She had her arms out for a hug so I gave her one. (Y/N) then put out the candle, let out the fireflies, and came back to the Warship with me. Let's hope this never happens again. 

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