Chapter Twenty: Making a choice

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Well, at least we all finally got our cuffs off. Just not my request. I have to see her. I must. But I'm just stuck here. That's when I remembered something. She gave me a secret but I  never had a look. I took out the piece of paper and opened it up to reveal a message.

'It's only with the heart that one can see clearly. What's essential is invisible to the eye.'

And I know what it means. It's what I've been thinking since I abandoned her on Earth. She's what's essential to me and I have to get back to her, no matter what. We soon started moving and I yelled out to Bumblebee, asking where we were going. But the cell doors opened to reveal Starscream himself. At last! We can escape this ship!

Starscream told me we had to take the ship. He explained that Unicron had inhabited Megatron's body and had planned to kill Cybertron with an army of undead Predacons. Well, given the two's long history, I see that happening. We escaped and took any relics that were still in our vault.

I took the Phase Shifter from Smokescreen and left him stuck in the wall like he did to me so long ago. Starscream took the Immobilizer and we made our way to the bridge where all the Autobots were. Well, everyone apart from Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack, and Optimus. 

"Autobots! Surrender this warship!" Starscream said pointing his missile at them.

All the troops aimed their blasters at them. Acree aimed hers at us and Bumblebee charged at us. But Starscream pointed the Immobilizer at him and he stopped. Someone doesn't want to be frozen. 

"Funny how the Immobilizer can freeze bots in their tracks... before it's activated," Starscream said

"And, in case you're wondering, Smokescreen is in no position to come to your rescue right now," I added showing them the Phase Shifter on my wrist.

"Nah, Scream won't use it. He needs us if he's gonna stand any chance of surviving Unicron," Bulkhead said

"You misunderstand. I do not intend to use this warship for battle but for quickly getting as far as possible from this doomed planet!" Starscream told them

"Earth would be nice, now that Unicron no longer seems to be calling it home," I suggested

"Shut up, you!" Starscream told me, "Now move away from the controls, Bulkhead, or get stiff!"

Bulkhead surrendered. Well, it seems like Starscream isn't an option for returning to Earth. I must get back. 

"There's just one thing you've overlooked, Scream. That device you're holding... not the Immobilizer," Bumblebee told him. 

"What?! What do you mean?" Starscream asked

While he was distracted, Bumblebee ran forward and tried to pry the Immobilizer out of his hands. The troops were being shot at so I ducked as to not get hit myself. But I decided to make a life-changing decision at that moment. As Starscream threatened to silence Bumblebee forever, I used the Phase Shifter to take the Immobilizer and whack Starscream with it, knocking him out. I also broke the Immobilizer in the process.

"Now will you believe I'm joining the winning team?" I asked the 'Bots

"Knockout, we needed that!" Bumblebee said

"Wait. It... really was the Immobilizer?"

Oops. Ignoring that for now, we put Starscream in a cell. But, as we made our way to the bridge, Acree asked me why I turned against Starscream. I just said that even if I had helped him, he would've just fired me out of the first Air Lock. Oh, and he's rude. And it was clear that he had no interest in going back to Earth which is where I need to be. I've lost track of how long it's been but I hope it hasn't been too long. That's many only goal at this point. Get back to (Y/N).

We returned to the bridge where we were told that we had arrived at the Well of Allsparks. But so had Unicron. Below us was an army of undead Predacons. The others used the ship's cannons to blast at the army. They all started to fly at us and that's when I was starting to think that Starscream had the right idea. But there's no going back now. One Predacon appeared at the window I was near so I backed off, scared.

Bumblebee and Smokescreen jumped forward and aimed at it when it was blasted away by fire. Three Predacons! Alive ones. Seems that Predaking is still alive. The three Predacons helped us fend off some of Unicron's army but some attacked the Waship from behind and somehow managed to shoot us down. We all braced for impact which wasn't a graceful landing. We almost fell down the well, for one. We all got up and left the ship. Okay, so using the Warship isn't an option anymore.

The three Predacons landed behind us as Unicron's army approached. We're the last line of defense against them. Predaking recommended leaving it to him and the other two. They transformed and ran towards the army. They used their dragon fire to fend off what was headed towards them. Though it didn't help as they were tackled and dragged into the Well. Did we just lose? Is this how our planet dies again? Bumblebee said that we weren't letting that happen. But we soon got reinforcements.

Optimus! Never did I think I would be so happy to see him but I am! We might just have a chance! Optimus flew at Unicron as he threw a spear at the ship he had arrived in. It hit one of the engines and it fell to the ground. Bulkhead and Arcee went to check on Wheeljack who had been piloting the ship. Meanwhile, the rest of us watched the battle between Optimus and Unicron.

But there was something that Unicron said that got my attention. He thanked Optimus for bringing the Allspark to him so he could erase it from existence. The Allspark? The thing that gave us all life? It went missing during the war. How did Optimus find it? I suppose he can do anything. He's Optimus Prime!

To Be Continued...

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