Chapter Nine: Flying Mind

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It was revealed that the Autobot Bulkhead had destroyed the core of the ship to, most likely, get off. With our ship on the ground and the Autobots now knowing where we are, we need to repair the ship and get it off the ground. But Dreadwing said that it would take time to fix everything and get the ship airborne. Time that we most likely don't have. So, Megatron had an alternative idea. He was going to use Dark Energon to fix the ship instantly and have a link to it through the one in his spark. I'm not sure about that last part. I advised against using Dark Energon but Megatron did it anyway.

But, with the new Energon now in the ship's power core, everything turned purple and any screens had turned red. After returning to the bridge, Soundwave revealed that the Autobots had arrived. So, the ship started to shoot at them while the Autobots attempted to get closer. But something happened. When Bumblebee attempted to get closer, he was hit by a bean that put him in stasis. The ship has a stasis beam? It got the rest of the Autobots rather quickly. Did we win? Megatron saw that the Autobots had brought the Spark Extractor and ordered the troops to go closer to get it. But we started flying away from it.

"What?! Where are you going?! I said closer!" Megatron said to a trooper

"Lord Megatron, the ship seems to be navigating itself." The trooper said


Well, he tried that but we didn't go closer to it.

"The systems are bypassing manual contro-" The trooper got shocked by the console it was at and fell to the floor.

"It appears the ship now possesses a will of its own," I said

"Impossible! Trace the problem to its source and fix it!" Megatron ordered

"Do not tamper with my systems! This will be your only warning!" A voice said


"My mission assumes priority. Any Cybertronian who interferes will be neutralized."

"My own vessel dares to address me in threatening tones?!"

Soundwave pointed to a screen that showed the ship decoding the Iacon Database and it already had a location decoded.

"It also seems to be doing a better job of decoding the project Iacon database than we were. It's already deciphered a new set of coordinates," I said

Soundwave also showed everyone a map of where we're going.

"And judging by our current course, that is precisely where the ship is headed," Dreadwing said

"As I desire. You see, this warship is nothing more than an extension of my very will," Megatron said

"Your will is nothing. The Iacon artifact will belong to me," The ship said

"I am Lord Megatron! I command you to cease operations!"

"You are no longer in command."

The ship made a noise that seemed to only be heard by Megatron. But Megatron quickly recovered.

"Regain control of this vessel by any means necessary," Megatron ordered

Soundwave tried but he was shocked into stasis. This is not good at all!

"All hands, cut power to the mainframe, and disconnect data relays now!" Megatron ordered hoping to fix this

Everyone ran to fix this. Well, I didn't. I walked around with (Y/N) on my shoulder. We arrived at a screen where the ship had decoded a second set of coordinates. Maybe we should let it continue its work. But I was shocked into status too. So, I'll let (Y/N) tell the rest of this.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I'm all alone. I tried getting in contact with anyone who was still awake but no one answered. Alright, I need to fix this on my own, then. Or just stay here because that's a better option. But it wasn't long until the Autobots human friends arrived. They saw me and I asked them to help fix this mess. They agreed to help. Everyone introduced themselves to me. On the screen, it showed us that the warship had de-coded two of the next coordinates.

Never mind, make that three. Raf and Agent Fowler climbed up Knockout to get to the console and put in a USB drive. We looked at where exactly the ship was headed. It was headed towards Manhattan where the first set of coordinates said to go. Agent Fowler asked Ratchet why a Cybertronian relic be doing in America. The relics were sent out into spaces and landed on Earth years before the city was built on top of it. But the ship is giant.

If it wants that relic, it'll need to move some building out of the way. Like blowing up the city. Ratchet suggested trying to change the ship's course by disabling the Navigation Module. Fowler tried to do it but he got electrocuted. A camera came out of the ceiling and scanned for us but it wasn't looking for life forms like us. Just other Cybertronians. But once it raises its search parameters, we're definitely dead.

"I'm bridging you back," Ratchet said.

"No," Jack said, "There are millions of lives at stake in New York, and we four are currently the only ones who can do anything about it."

"You're out of your element, Jack. These readings, the ship's rapid recovery all point to the fact that Megatron employed Dark Energon to repair it."

"That's right, he did. I can smell it. The smell is horrible," I said

"Hold on. If you're saying the ship is fueled by dark Energon, we can dump it, right?" Jack asked

Ratchet hummed, "You'll need to reserve the warship's Energon infuser."

"Follow me. I'll take you there," I said

So, I led them to the power core. But Megatron is there too. He had the same idea. Then Ratchet gave the good news that the ejection valve can only be operated manually. Lovely. Jack and I climbed up Megatron and tried our best to make this switch move. But no luck. Megatron is literally a million times heavier than us. We'll never flip the switch. The ship caught Miko and Raf. They started to run for it while Jack and I work out some kind of plan.

The ship was trying to use a claw to get them, maybe we can use it to our advantage. Make it like a claw machine game. Jack got its attention and made it grab Megatron to tip him over. And it worked. The Dark Energon was ejected from the power core. But now Megatron was awake. We ran back to the console we were at before to take the drive. But it had hardly downloaded anything! Just four coordinates! Ratchet opened a groundbridge for the others and they walked through with a very loopy Fowler.

I told them to leave while Jack got the drive. Just as Jack was pulling the thing out, Knockout woke up. He almost made their encounter into a trip to the dentist when Ratchet came up behind him and punched him in the face. Ratchet took Jack and left. Megatron arrived and Knockout tried to explain what happened. But it's now I realized that I just gave them the locations to the relics. Well, maybe it won't be that bad.

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