Day 7 Love is in the Air (part 1)

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Finally, jason and liv are an item now! Did u guys think his paragraph kinda sounded like a marriage proposal? Oh well. So what will happen in this episode?

Previously :
Sugar falls and Jason catches her. Liv hates looking at them. She feels pain and doesn't talk to anyone. Later at dinner (this is the ballroom ) liv sits with her friends, but her principal talks to her. She says she can't sit there, so liv glumly walks to sit with other people. Then not even touching her food, she goes vomits.

Later, listen when we were talking about u, we weren't saying anything bad so don't get to conclusions. I think ur beautiful, sweet, and ur my bestfriend. I cant wait another moment to spend my time with u. Liv, will u go out with me
L: lol no I won't get to conclusions and yes I'll go out with you
J:can i tell fernando?
L: no please don't
J: why?
L: he's usually the one who goes around saying things and it's going to be easier keeping it between us.
J: k I respect that
L: thank
J: can i tell charles?
L: sure
L: I'm telling laura, Gisele, and Jennifer
J: ok
L:listen I'm going to bed because i don't feel good I'll talk to you tomorrow
J: good night beautiful
L: goodnight handsome
Day 7
It's last day in dc...
The feels wash over liv as she wakes up. Some things different about Liv today. She doesn't look or feel down. She looks satisfied. She turns her phone and hears it chime.
Liv's phone:
J: morning beautiful
L: morning handsome
J: how'd u sleep
L: I slept ok, my stomach still hurts doe
J: I'll be praying for u
L: aww thanks
L: well I'll see u at breakfast
J: see u beautiful
Authors note
Although it's cute and all I feel like it's too well kidish.

Danielle, and the crew hope in the bus with their luggage and the bus drives to the breakfast diner one last time.
At the diner...
Bruno: ahhh one last time where we could all be together.
William: hey guys
Bruno: you just ruined the special moment
William: ehh whatever
Jason: how are u feeling liv?
Liv: a little better
Jason: good
Fernando and Bruno loudly talk
Liv: hey can i trade seats with u and Jason?
Bruno: why?
Liv: I need to sit at the end so I can run to the bathroom when I need to. And to escape ur conversation
Bruno: really
Jason: just let her
Liv and Jason and Bruno switch spots
Jason : hi
Liv: hi
Both smile and liv goes off to the restroom. She comes back and says something to miss Richards.

Waiter: Can i get u guys anything to drink?
Fernando: orange juice
Bruno: same
Danielle: same
William: same
Jason: same
Liv: a hot water
Waiter: ok 5 orange juices and 1 hot water
Liv:thank u

Waiter brings out the food but liv doesn't eat any of it

Jason: u should eat something
Liv: nah I'm fine
Jason: u can't starve
Liv: I'm not I'll be fine
Jason: ok be careful
Liv: I'll try
Later they go to the Vietnam memorial
Everyone gets off the bus and liv forgets her jacket

Liv: it's Freezing
Jason: here you could have my jacket
Liv: thanks *heart eyes*
Jason: anytime
Mrs. Smith: come on girls let's go
Liv: I'll see u later
Jason: k bye

Leave to the statue, they look at the statues and take pictures. Then the whole school comes. Later they go on a bus tour. They get off

Jason: Where's my jacket
Liv: on the bus
Jason: wear it. Ur cold and u need to keep ur stomach warm.
L iv: I know I thought it would be ok not to wear it
Jason: well wear it next time we get off
Liv: ok

Then they finish and go eat. Jason sits far away from liv so it won't seem suspicious

Gisele: so how's snow?
Jennifer: ya how is he?
Liv: u know he's really cute he even gave me his jacket to wear
Jen and all the other girls: awwww
Estella: WHAT Are We awwwwwing about?
Liv: nothing nothing at all
Estella: r u dating jason?
Liv: ewwww no, the real question is are u dating ethan ?
Estella: well u can't fool me
Liv: I'm not
Estella: u sure
Liv: positive
Estella: ughhhh

Laughter *
Liv goes to the bathroom again because of her stomach. Jason sees this and texts her.
Liv's phone chimes :
J: r u ok?
L: no my stomach hurts
J: I'm sorry
L: it's ok
J: I'll be praying
L: thanks
J: see u soon beautiful
L: bye handsome

To be continued

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