Day 9

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Liv's POV
I hate this trip. I wish it would be over. I can't believe I dated that jerk. I wish my life would be over. Sometimes my mind thinks of the wrong thing. I guess my prayer came true, but I guess it was teaching me something. I still really like him. I just know he doesn't like me tho. He told me he liked sugar. She acts way to sweet. Just like her name. All she did was flirt with him. While we were on the ferry boat, i remember pretending to be talking to Gisele. She flipped her hair and twisted it and stuff. I hate her. I'm so glad Gisele and I spent time together. Later me and Fernando took pictures together. Later that night Jason sent me a message of how I was giving him dirty looks and he was begging really bad. I didn't tell him. He's confused now and he said he doesn't like how me and fernando hang out so much. Well I'm not his girlfriend anymore so he does doesn't have to tell me anything. I'm going to bed.

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