Chapter 4

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That Night

"This is just like old times!" Carolyn says. We're in our sleeping bags in a tent in Carolyn's backyard.

"Yeah, we used to go pretend camping all the time!" Pretend camping is a game Carolyn and I made up when we were little. We take our sleeping bags and put up a tent in one of our backyards and spend the night in it, pretending to be camping. It's different now that we're older and Carolyn's my girlfriend and all.

"I miss nights like this," she says wistfully. "We used to go pretend camping every month. We haven't done it in years."

"That's cause we've gotten older," I tell her. "Carolyn, you might be my girlfriend, but you'll always be my best friend."

"I feel the same way, Niall," she says.

"Open up," I say while tapping her chin. She opens her mouth and I put a mini marshmallow in her mouth. She chews and swallows.

"Yum!" I look out the window at the stars.

"When I look at the stars I think of you, Carolyn," I say. "They sparkle like your eyes."

"Aww thanks Niall," she says while blushing.

"I don't know what time it is, but we'd better get to sleep," I say.

"Ok. Goodnight, Niall!"

"Goodnight, Carolyn!" I lean over and kiss her on the lips, then lie down and go to bed.


I yawn. It's morning. Niall is sleeping next to me, snoring. He's so cute when he sleeps, I think fondly.

"Good morning, sweetie," I say softly in his ear. He sits up.

"Food?" Typically for Niall, food comes first.

"Here you go," I say, handing him a cooler full of food. He takes out a takeout container of rice and digs a plastic spoon into it. That guy will eat anything! Then he takes out a water bottle and chugs the whole thing in under 30 seconds. Yeah, that's Niall Horan for you.

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