Chapter 6

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"Hello, ma'am, do you have tickets for the concert?" The ticket seller asks me. I pull out my lanyard.

"No, but I have this." I hand it to her. She scans it.

"You can go." She hands me the lanyard and gestures to the arena. I'm in Galway, Ireland, the first concert of 1D's big world tour. My plan is to go to as many concerts as possible. Eventually, Niall will recognize me and pull me up onstage. And I'll see him again!

I'm walking into the arena when I get mobbed by Directioners.

"Carolyn!" I blonde girl squeals. "I love you! Sign my ticket!"

"Um...okay," I say. I'm not famous, so why does this girl want my autograph? Then it hits me. Duh, I'm Niall Horan's girlfriend. I'm practically famous according to Directioners. I wind up signing dozens of tickets, t-shirts, and programs. I'm treated like royalty by the Directioners.

"Carolyn, can I buy you a drink?" Asks a pretty red-haired girl with glasses.

"Oh no, I'm fine, really."

"You're sure? Nothing?" She persists.

"It's so kind of you to offer, but I'm fine, thanks."

"Ok, but if you need anything I'm in row T, seat eighteen." I laugh.

"Ok! See ya around!" When I get to my seat, the news is well circulating that Niall's girlfriend is in the audience. People crane their necks to see me and even take pictures of me. But the only person who I need to notice me is Niall.


"Hey mate, you okay?" Asks Louis. Only ten minutes till the concert starts!

"Sure, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I scoff. Fact is, I'm not fine. I miss Carolyn.

"You're sad, Niall," Louis says, as if he can read my mind. "What's wrong?" I sigh.

"I miss Carolyn. I feel so bad I left her. I'm a horrible boyfriend." Louis puts his hand on my shoulder.

"No you're not. You're a great guy. Carolyn loves you. Girls would kill to go on a date with you. Don't doubt yourself, Niall." I look into his blue eyes.

"Thanks, Louis."

"Hey, that's what friends are for. Now c'mon, we've got a concert to put on."

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