1. Bad Romance

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Myself and Shane had been searching around Atlanta for weeks now just looking for a community or camp that will let us in to stay, im tired of walking around and being walking bait to these walkers, I need a place to stay now and so does Shane, he's losing it. "Hey maybe we should stop for the night, its getting dark and im pretty tired" I moan to him, all I apparently do is moan. "Shane?" I say again noticing he's ignoring me "you're always tired" he snaps. I roll my eyes and continue walking behind him. Myself and Shane were in the police before the apocalypse started, im from England, London to be specific, I came over to America for a policing course after completing one back at home I wanted to do something different. I had been a cop here for just over a year then this virus hit, I was searching through different stations and found Shane camping at one across state and since then we have been together and eventually he became my boyfriend. "Shane please im exhausted" I hear him sigh and throw his bag down inside the mall we were scavenging through. "Alright fine we'll sleep here" I awkwardly smile at him and place myself down on the floor, I let out a sigh of relief as my back finally leans against the cold wall. "We will find somewhere eventually Shane" I say while looking up at him as he stands over me. "I should've left you behind" my smile drops as I frown at him "sorry what" I stand back up to my feet so im now toe to toe with Shane. "you're slowing me down Alice, id be somewhere by now if you weren't always tired and wanting to stop" he turns his back on me so im no longer facing him. "fine lets keep going fucking hell" I lean down to grab my bag as Shane grips onto my arm "that hurts let go" I try yanking my arm away but he tightens his grip. "No we've stopped now we're staying here" he growls.

Shane is terrible when he's angry or in a mood, I wouldn't like to say abusive, but he's most definitely close, he knows when he's gone to far but only one he's taken that step and its been a couple hours after. I don't argue with him, never have, I just do as he says. The last couple of weeks its been worse, he's slowly going, well, crazy. The way he kills walkers is with pure anger and rage, the way he talks and looks at me sometimes scares me so bad I cant sleep, but I deal with it, he's my boyfriend and I love and care for him, a lot. He lets go of my arm, throwing me to the floor. "Shane what the fuck" I shout catching his attention for once. "Don't raise your voice and especially don't raise it at me" he shouts in my face as he comes racing back so he's inches away from me. I sit back down on the floor, pulling my blanket out of my backpack, its a blanket ive had since I was a baby, my comfort blanket I guess you could call it. I pull it over myself and close my eyes in hopes of getting some rest, but I can feel Shane glaring at me from across the mall.

I take a deep breath and lay myself down, pulling the blanket over my face so he cant stare into my soul anymore than he already is, and I always sleep with my gun in my hand, always. I wake up the early hours of the next morning, its a hot summers day and my legs already ache at the thought of how much walking we are about to do. I sit myself up and stretch but to my surprise, Shane isn't around, neither is his stuff. I bolt up to my feet and call out for him. "Shane? Shane where are you?" I panic slightly, there's no way he's left me behind. I pick my bag up, shoving my blanket and water in it and throw it on my back and start walking around the mall, sure enough he was at the doors waiting to leave. "you're finally up" he smiles. "yea, you scared me you weren't there" I say angrily while walking towards him. "Sorry, just wanted some fresh air, lets get going" He takes hold of my hand and we start walking side by side with the sun shining down on the two of us.

A couple of hours go by and we decide its time to start going through the woods, we've found a lot of empty camps in them, hopefully we find an active one soon. We silently walk through the woods, we never have much to talk about anymore but its nice to just have company. "Stop" Shane whispers as he throws his arm infront of me, I grab my gun and hold it at my side. "Theres a fence!" He jumps forward with excitement in his voice, there's a fucking metal wired fence. "Lets follow it around we cant climb over it" he grabs my hand as we run around the edge of the fence, finally to a huge gate. "Its the Prison" I whisper as we slowly walk towards the gates, im praying for a community, I need saving, so does Shane. "What do you want" A loud voice shouts at us, but we cant make out where its coming from. I freeze and look at Shane waiting for him to talk "We are just looking for a community, we come in peace, please let us in" it goes silent for a moment before a group of people come to the gate.

"We'll take your weapons" a woman asks. "I aint giving shit to you lady" Shane snaps, I roll my eyes, the one chance we get this is how he acts. "here" I pull out my gun and knife and hand it to them, I need the chance to be let in. "Shane just do it, this is our only chance" he stares at me and nods his head, not agreeing with what ive just done. He throws his guns and knifes at them. "Follow me" the young asian guy says as we are escorted inside the prison.

"What do we have here" I low tone male voice says as they approach us, Shane ears prick and he lifts his head up trying to work out who this person is. "Is that your leader?" I ask as he approaches us. "No fucking way" Shane mumbles "what?" I quickly question in a panic. "Shane" I snap as he doesn't answer. "well shit, Shane" the leader stands in front of the two of us. I turn my head to Shane looking in confusion "you know eachother?" I ask not taking my eyes of Shane "yea we do, don't we Rick" Shane never lost eye contact with him as he towered over us.

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