21. Hes Back

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"Rick please, please you cant go you cant leave me" I cup Rick's blood coated face, my forehead touching his as tears stream down my face and onto his. "Rick I love you, you cant die please" I continue to sob as his words slowly leave his mouth "I love you Alice" he says between breaths. "Someone help please" I scream out but no one can hear, the walkers got him. I turned my back for one second, and one managed to bite him. "Someone, please" I scream and scream, no one can hear me, no one is coming to help. "Go, you need to live" his final words before his body goes limp in my arms and his chest stops moving.

I sit up in bed gasping for air, sweat dripping off my body as I breath heavily. "You're okay, you're fine" Rick sits up beside me, rubbing my back with his hand as the other holds my arm. "You just had a nightmare" Ricks voice calms me as I finally snap out of the dream I was stuck in. I lift my hand and wipe it across my face to get rid of the sweat, I slow my breathing as I realise Rick is fine. "Yea, yea bad dream" I manage to say as I turn to face him. Shirtless, he is so, so, so shirtless right now. The nightmare I just had has been completely forgotten once my eyes see Ricks amazing body beside me. I look terrible right now, I'm sleeping in a t shirt and now covered in sweat, someone kill me. "I look terrible right now" the words slip from my mouth with no context. "What?" He chuckles slightly "Huh?" I play dumb for a moment while thinking of something to say in response. "You always look gorgeous" he pushes my hair from my face, resting his hand at my neck sending shivers down my spine. "Are you bothered at all that I'm younger? People seem to make a lot of comments about that" why did I ask that? "I couldn't care what other people think, I love you"

My eyes widen as my heart sinks, but from happiness. He loves me. "Wait, really?" I question as a smile grows across his face. "Yea, I do" I shuffle my body up so I'm now facing him properly "I love you too Rick" I try not to smile too much "Ive never been in love before but I know I love you, I think of you when I'm sad, happy, everything, if i need help or I'm in trouble and scared I want you, I look around to see where you are all the time, Negan, he brought me back because I was begging to be with you Rick" His smile grows the more I talk. "Maybe we should quit being lowkey and just be open with it all now" His ocean blue eyes look into mine as they have a slight sparkle to them. We stare at eachother for a moment, I place a hand on Ricks cheek as we both move in sync towards eachother. Our lips collide as the two of us dive in to the kiss. My heart races, it feels so special with Rick, nothing has ever felt this special since pre apocalypse. The kiss becomes more and more intense, Ricks careful rolls me onto my back as he hovers above me. I place both my hands around the back of his neck as his are either side of my head. He removes himself from the kiss, moving his lips to the side of my neck, my breathing increases as things become a lot more real.

"Stop" I whisper. "Sorry, sorry I was getting Carr-" I cut him off. "No, I heard something outside I swear" I whisper back. We stay in our positioned as the two of us focused our hearing, its silent. "Wait here" He gets off me and grabs his t shirt from the floor, I watch him as he walks out of the cell to the window opposite. I stand up and put my shoes on and walk over behind him. "Cant see anything" He shrugs, grabbing my hand and leading me back to the cell. We giggle like school children until we hear a loud gunshot. Our eyes bolt to eachother "Fuck" Rick lets go, sprinting for his gun and then down the stairs and outside. "Everyone up!" I shout throughout the cells as I grab my gun and run behind Rick. "What's going on??" Shane shouts alongside Maggie "There was a gunshot" I shout back as I finally catch up to Rick. "What's going on?" I ask out of breath, I forget I cant do as much as I used to because of Lori. "Hes back" my eyes divert to the black vans and trucks pulling into the prison. "You dont need to stay out here" Rick turns to me. "Im fine" Im lying, I'm not, its also too late to get changed now as I realise I'm in just a t shirt which is luckily long enough to be a dress.

"Well well well, isn't this a lovely night to take some goods!!" Negans voice echos through the prison. All of his men unload from the trucks, including a tied up Daryl, my heart sinks to the very bottom of my stomach. Shane appears next to me, placing his arm on my shoulder. "Get off?" I look at him in disgust before throwing his arm off me. "What do you want Negan" Rick shouts as he starts to walk over to us all. "Half your shit like we agreed Rick" He swings his bat over his shoulder with an evil smirk across his face. "You're in one piece I see" He says as he walks over, now standing in front of me. I stay silent, unsure of what to say. "Im sorry, again" I look up at him, why am I not scared of him? "Thanks for bringing me back" I say finally as I tilt my head slightly to look up at him. "I like you, a lot" He points his bat at me while making eye contact with Rick. "It was hard bringing you back, it really was" he continues to grin. "Like I already said, thank you" I look at him frowning in confusion, not understanding why he is still speaking about it. "Im taking someone to replace her Rick" I quickly step out of line and back in front of Negan "No" I shout. "Alice!" Rick shouts at me. "Sorry? No?" Negan turns and faces me. "You brought me back here because one of your men couldn't control themselves, thats a you issue, not us" I have no nerves in me, no worry, nothing. "Daryl needs a friend my love" he turns pointing back at Daryl who stands lifeless with his men. He stands closer, whispering in my ear slightly "I'll take one you dont want" I move back slightly, our eyes staring at eachother. I stay silent, unsure on how to feel now. "Ill take you" he turns, making eye contact with Shane.

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