The Breather Couple

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A year had passed since Drake and my father left me. I had spent that time feeding off my own blood and engraving drawings into the walls and floor with my scissors to pass the time. I sat at the top of the staircase, my back against the door when I heard it. It started off quiet but gradually got louder and louder. I recognized the sound to be a car engine. The car drove up the long driveway, halting to a stop out the front of the house. Two doors opened and closed. Two sets of footsteps walked over to the front door and a key was pushed into the lock. The door unlocked with a click and opened up. I heard voices and then more footsteps. Boxes were dropped onto the ground with a thud and more footsteps entered and exited the house. I sat there, listening for hours until only two sets of footsteps were left. One set stopped outside the basement and I heard a couple of voices.
'John, dear do you know what's behind this door?' I heard another set of footsteps approach the door.
'No I don't. Is it locked? I saw an old key in the bottom draw in the kitchen. Wait here, I'll go get it.' A few minutes later, the key for the basement door was being put into the lock. I stood up and stared at the door as it unlocked and began to open. I jumped over the staircase rail and hid under the stairs. The door opened up all the way and two breathers came into view from the light.
'Sue, find the light switch will you?' A few minutes later, they pulled back a curtain I had never noticed before and found the light switch. Switching it on, the two breathers made their way down the staircase and looked around. I watched from the shadows beneath the staircase. They were an old couple. One male and one female. The male made his way over to the left and paused, looking down. The female looked over and looked at what the male was staring at.
'What's wrong- oh that blood?' I watched as they both studied the place I had sat a few nights ago, feeding off a rat that had made its way in here somehow. The female looked over to the right and gasped. The male looked at her as she raised a shaky finger towards the dead body of the rat that I had tossed over there. They both went over to it and studied it.
'Look at its neck, there's two holes there John.'
'Maybe it was attacked by a snake and made its way here before dying?' The female shook her head.
'There's blood over there but not here. It couldn't have moved once it was killed. It's drained from all its blood.' The male nodded.
'Well we have to get rid of it, we can't just leave it down here. It'll smell out the basement.' The male picked up the rat by its tail and headed back to the stairs I crouched down and watched him climb the stairs. The female soon followed and the light in the basement was flicked off. The door closed and I made my way out from under the stairs. I stared up at the door before it opened again. I threw myself under the stairs and watched as both the male and female made their way down the stairs, boxes in their arms. They placed the boxes down in the far right corner of the room before going back upstairs. They repeated this six times before they left the basement. I listened as they turned off the lights and headed up the other flight of stairs to the bedroom upstairs. They fell silent and all I could hear was their light breathing as they fell asleep.


A few weeks after the breather couple had moved in I had been feeding off more rats then my own blood. The rats seemed to be getting in through my old storage hole in the wall. I studied the hole and saw that the rats had dug a little tunnel from the hole to most likely the attic. I was feeding off another rat and tossed it into the pile of dead rats to my right when the basement door opened up. I scrambled to my feet and hid amongst the boxes that had been left down here by the breathers. The female came down with a small box and placed it behind the stairs, once she turned around she gasped. I followed her gaze and noticed her staring at my pile of dead, drained rats. She stared at them a bit longer before opening her mouth.
'John! Come down here!' The male hurried to the basement and down the stairs.
'What is it Sue?' The female pointed to the rats. The male sighed.
'Why do we keep getting dead rats down here? There's no blood anymore they're just deflated and in a pile of at least six every week.' I grinned to myself. I had been careful not to leave any blood in case it got on my feet and I left footprints every now and again. I didn't want to be found by the breathers. I liked playing games. The male bolted upstairs and came back down with a few plastic bags and a pair of gloves. Putting on the gloves, he knelt down and put the rats into the bags. Tying the bags up, he stood up and headed upstairs again to throw the rats in the trash can outside. The female looked around the basement curiously before she too, headed upstairs.
Around midnight I got bored and decided to look through the boxes that were taking up a lot of space in my basement. I opened up one and dug around, it was full of old books. I made my way over to another box and knocked it over. With a crash, a vase fell out of the box and onto the floor. I smiled and left the broken pieces as I headed over to a box labelled "fragile". Pushing it over, multiple glasses fell out and smashed as they hit the cement floor. I heard footsteps running towards the basement and hid behind the box with the books in it. The female breather came down the stairs after turning on the light. I hid myself better so my shadow wasn't visible to her and watched as she looked at the broken vase and glasses. She headed over to my box and I shrank back in fear of her discovering me in here. I knew if she found me, she would know who had been leaving all those dead rats in the basement for them to discover once the smell travelled upstairs to them. She's also know I was the one who knocked over the boxes and left the broken pieces everywhere.
'Those damn rats. Maybe we should call the exterminator in the morning.' I blinked in surprise as she made her way upstairs. I stifled my laughter as she closed the door and headed to bed. I let out some laughter. She blamed the rats for my mess. But if she did find me here then she would know it was me. Unless I left everything alone once they call that exterminator or whatever. The rats will be gone and they will think that nothing else will be touched down here. I stood up again and peeked into the box of books. Digging around, I pulled out one called "Low Red Moon" and turned it over, reading through the blurb. I let out a snort of amusement and put the book back. A book about Werewolves, how stupid. I left the book box alone and headed over to my spot beneath the stairs. I laid down on my back and closed my eyes.

My eyes flew open to the smell of food being cooked upstairs. I sat up quickly, hitting my head like I seem to do every time I wake up. Cursing at myself for being such a clumsy vampire, I crawled out from under the stairs and got to my feet. I climbed up the steps and sat at the door. A television - I had heard the female breather use the word - was playing in the lounge room. I listened further to hear someone sitting in the lounge room watching the television, from the heavier breathing, it was the male breather. I heard a clatter then the sizzling sound of something being cooked in the kitchen, from the humming and light breathing I knew it was the female. I had heard their names being used by one another but since I don't know them, names don't matter.
'John, breakfast!' The male stood up and headed into the dining room. They ate with the television still on. I listened to it as the news came on. "Yesterday was a tragic day as we lost yet another one of our own....." I ignored it and listened to the breathers.
'Did you call the exterminator?'
'Yes. He'll be here in ten minutes.'
'Good gracious. Those damn rats knocked over my vase and glasses last night, they're all broken.'
'The problem will be gone soon dear, don't worry.'
'I know. I'm going into town do you want anything?'
'Alright then, I'll see you soon.' The female got up and headed out the front door. I heard the car turn on and drive off down the drive way. I spent the next few hours hiding myself from the exterminator and his gross smelling chemicals as he got rid of the rats. I watched his neck as his jugular vein pumped blood under his skin. My throat burned with thirst and I had to use all self-control I had to keep myself in place and not leap across the room to drain the breather dry. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I didn't drink breather blood, I drank animal blood. The exterminator finished eventually and left. All the rats had been exterminated and I was left with no food. Cursing the exterminator to the depths of hell, I climbed up the stairs and stared at the door. It was always unlocked, I could leave whenever I wanted to. I jumped over the rails and landed silently on the ground. I'll wait until tonight, that's when I'll go.


Nightfall came quickly and I waited until the breathers were asleep. Jumping up, I grabbed hold of the stair rail and flipped myself up onto the top step. I put my hand on the door handle and took in a deep breath. I had never left this room before. I had been stuck in this room since I was three years old. I tightened my grip on the handle and twisted it. The door opened and I stepped out into the house I had begun to forget over the years.
I looked around the room and stared at the couch. Drake and I sat there when I was two, always watching cartoons. I closed the basement door and headed into the dining room and kitchen. I ran my fingers along the table's surface, going over a few dints I put there with the knives. I headed into the kitchen and looked around. There was still a burnt stain mark above the stove from when Drake and I tried to cook something when he was five and I was two. I smiled at the memory and decided to look upstairs. I climbed the stairs quietly and headed into the first room. Our old games room. The dints in the walls were still there from when Drake and I used to play murder in the dark. The room was now full of random junk from the breathers. I frowned and left the room and headed into the bathroom. Everything was still the same. I headed out and paused outside the master bedroom where my father used to sleep, but was now occupied by the breathers.
I kept walking to the end of the hallway and stood outside mine and Drake's old shared room. I opened the closed door quietly and stood in the doorway. The two beds were gone, now replaced by a double bed. The bedside tables were still there though, one either side of the bed. I looked around the room and opened up the old wardrobe. My small drawings were still there on the wooden back board. I ran a hand along the bedside table and opened up the bottom draw. It was mine. I lifted up the little bit Drake had cut out of it for me and smiled. My necklace was still there. The one that I had gotten from my birth mother. Drake told me when he found out I wasn't his full sister, we hid my necklace in the draw so father wouldn't find it. I smiled and put the necklace on before walking out of the room. I crept back downstairs and walked past the basement door and to the back door that led to the backyard. I opened up the door and stepped outside. The warm night air hit me and the moonlight hit my skin, making it look even paler. I sat down on the grass and stared up at the night sky. Millions of stars twinkled and shone brightly.

I got up after a bit and decided to head back into the house. I opened up the basement door and closed it behind me. I leaned against the door for a moment before jumping over the rail and sitting against the staircase. I closed my eyes for a while only to be rudely shaken awake hours later.
'Get up child!' I opened my eyes and came face to face with the female breather. Well crap.
'Who are you child?' I stared at her before speaking.
'Kora Hyde. What you are doing in my house with that breather male?'
'Pardon? Your house? No sweetie we bought this house, it's ours. What are you doing down here?'
'This is my house. My father and brother left me here.'
'Well get up then. Come on.' She led me up the stairs and into the lounge room.

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