New Life

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After a few weeks I got used to living with the breathers. One morning we were all sitting at the table eating breakfast when they decided that now was a good time to ask me questions they refrained from asking when I first started staying here.
'So Kora, why were you in that basement?' I ate a mouthful of Sue's pancakes. She was a great cook. I faced John and answered his question.
'Because my father put me there.' They didn't press further on that issue.
'How old are you?'
'I'm fifteen.'
'How long were you in that basement for?'
'Since I was three.'
'So you have never been to school?'
'No. I've never spoken to any breathers until now.'
'What's a breather?'
'Why do you call us that when you are one yourself?' I stared at Sue before sighing.
'You know what I am.' I never answered with more than a sentence. Sue and John went quiet while they finished their food before John headed off to work in town. Sue tidied up around the house while I watched TV. Around elven Sue came into the lounge room and turned off the TV.
'I was watching that!'
'Get up. We're going into town.'
'What if people ask you who I am?'
'I'll tell them you're my granddaughter. My real daughter died when she was married to her husband. They both died in a car accident. She had a child but we never knew what happened to her. Now that I think about it, you do look like my daughter.'
'What was her name?'
'Charlotte. Here this is her.' Sue handed me a photo and I stared at her daughter, my eyes widening. This woman was the woman in the photo of my birth mother. I stared at the photo before giving it back to Sue.
'Um Sue?'
'Yes sweetie?'
'Your daughter is in a photo my father had that I found out was my mother.' Sue looked at me for a little bit before opening her mouth.
'What was your father's full name?'
'Marcel Hyde.'
'My daughter's husband had that same name. But they both died.' I shook my head.
'My father's alive. He just doesn't want to be found.' Sue nodded and headed to the front door.
'Come on.' I followed her to their other car and hopped in the passenger seat.
'Well if people ask who you are, I won't have to lie. I've always wanted a granddaughter.' I looked at Sue as she smiled widely as we drove into town. I turned my attention to the window and watched as we passed by people. We pulled into the car park of the shopping centre and headed in. Sue led me into an electronics store and told me to pick out a phone. I chose one that slid upwards when you turned it on its side. Once my phone was all set up we went into a clothes store. After buying lots of clothes we headed into the hair salon. Sue told me I could do anything with my hair. While my hair was getting washed I thought about what to with my hair. I eventually decided on getting orange strips through my dark blonde hair. After we were done shopping we went to the food court for a snack. Sue had told me that all the shopping was because I needed those things and that I was starting up at the local high school on Monday. Today was Friday. I had a couple of days until I started school.

We headed out to the car once we finished eating but Sue was caught by one of her friends.
'Sue! How are you?' Sue smiled and wondered over to the lady. I followed with not much of a choice since the car was still locked. Sue and the lady chatted until the lady turned to me.
'And who are you dear?' Sue smiled and rested a hand on my shoulder.
'This is Kora, my granddaughter.' The lady nodded and waved goodbye as she left. We headed back to the car.
'Oh. Kora wait a moment I've forgotten some things. I'll be right back. Wait here a moment.' Sue scurried off back to the super market, leaving me waiting at the car. Putting down the bags I was carrying, I leant against the car and looked around. A few local kids who looked my age were skateboarding across the road at the skate park. Two more local kids walked past me but then stopped and turned around. Two boys stared at me. One of them who had red hair stood next to a boy who was shorter then him by about a centimeter and had dark brown hair. The red head wore a beanie on his head and the dark brunette wore a cap backwards on his. The red headed boy made his way towards me.
'You're new around here aren't you?' I nodded and the boy smiled.
'I'm Mark. The one behind me is Jackson.' He pointed to the brunette.
'I'm Kora.' Before Mark could respond Jackson stepped forwards.
'Nice to meet ya. Are you also a foreigner?' I blinked at him, confusion written all over my face. Jackson chuckled.
'You don't look like you're American really. I'm from Hong Kong and Mark's from Taiwan.' I nodded at Jackson and scratched my head.
'I'm half Korean, half American.' The two boys nodded and Mark patted Jackson's arm.
'Guess we'll see you Monday at school. We need to get going.' The two boys waved goodbye and disappeared around the corner. Sue came back shortly after and smiled.
'Did I see you talking to some boys?' I nodded and got in the car once she unlocked it.
'Well I guess you'll be seeing them Monday when you start at school. Those two attend the local high school.' I stared out the window as we drove back home. As we made our way up the driveway I saw Mark and Jackson through the trees on next doors property.
'Uh Sue, since when do we have neighbors?' Sue frowned.
'Honey, can you call me Grandma?'
'R-Really?' Sue nodded.
'The two boys moved in yesterday with their parents. Their house in town was too crowded.' I nodded again and turned my attention to the dirt drive way until the car pulled to a stop. We both got out and Sue unlocked the front door, letting us in.
'I already spoke to John on the phone. He knows who you are, so you can call him grandpa alright?' I nodded and took all the clothes bags and other things up to my room. After unpacking everything I headed back downstairs and out the back. Sitting down on the grass, I looked around enjoying the feeling of the sun on my skin.

I heard laughter coming from the paddock next door and stood up. I made my way over to the fence line between the two properties and saw Mark and Jackson out the back. I stood there for a little while until Jackson noticed me.
'Hey Kora!' He waved excitedly and Mark shook his head, amused. Both of them made their way over to the fence line and stood in front of me.
'You related to the Henry's or something?' I nodded at Mark.
'I'm their granddaughter.' Jackson nodded and Mark bit his lip in thought but kept quiet. The wind rustled the leaves on the trees. All animal scents hit my nose and it was then that I realized, neither Mark nor Jackson smelt like a breather. I looked at the two of them, noticing that both of them had deep crimson eyes like me. Jackson looked at me questioningly, raising an eyebrow.
'What?' Mark looked to Jackson then to me, curious.
'Your eyes.' Jackson's eyes widened in realization, his body tensing up.
'What about them?'
'They're red.'
'You don't smell like breathers do.' Both Mark and Jackson flinched, Mark looking to his left to stare at the trees, and Jackson staring at me. Neither of the two opened their mouths to reply, until Jackson came out of his trance.
'What do you mean we don't-'
'Jackson, stop. She knows what we are.' Jackson turned to Mark and pouted.
'No one is supposed to know our secret.' Mark rolled his eyes and hit Jackson across the back of his head.
'She's a vampire too you idiot!' Jackson rubbed his sore head and sulked.
'How do you know she's one of us?' Sighing, Mark answered him.
'Her eyes give it away.' Jackson finally turned to me and blinked.
'Oh.' Mark shook his head.
'Shut up Mark!' I chuckled and the two boys looked at me.
'Are you two related to each other?' They both shook their heads.
'Mark moved here a year after I did, he's living with me and my family.' I nodded and glanced at Mark, deciding against asking why he wasn't living with his own family.
'So miss half breed, I guess we'll see you Monday morning then?' I froze, slightly turning my head towards Mark.
'How do you know what I am?' Mark smiled
'You have a faint heartbeat, you have red eyes and fangs. You knew what a breather was. I guess I figured you were half vampire, half breather. I could've been wrong, but you clarified it for me. Its okay, we're fine with it. We really gotta get going though, see you Monday.' They both waved and disappeared into their house. I headed back inside mine and found Sue in the kitchen. Sitting at the bench, I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and bit into it. After swallowing the juicy fruit I looked over at Sue.
'Next doors kids seem nice.' Sue turned around and smiled.
'So you met Jackson and Mark. Lovely boys those two. Are you going to catch the bus to school with them on Monday?' I shrugged and ate another mouthful of my apple.
'They said they'd see me Monday but I don't know if we're catching the bus.' Sue nodded and went back to preparing our dinner.
'Dinner will be ready in an hour so go upstairs and clean up.' I jumped off the bench stool and headed up the stairs, eating my apple as I went. Finishing it, I tossed the apple core out the window and into the small compost pile we had down the side of the house. Heading into the bathroom, I washed my hands, dried them off and headed back into my room. Sitting on my bed, I looked around my room before flopping onto my back. I thought about Monday. I start school, something I've never done before. Maybe I can talk to Mark and Jackson about it.
'John! Kora! Dinner's ready!' Jumping up, I headed out of my room and downstairs. I sat down at the table and watched as Sue placed a plate in front of me, moving to place one where she sits and finally, John. We all ate in silence, enjoying the food Sue had cooked for us. Once I was finished, I excused myself, took my plate into the kitchen and then headed upstairs to my room. Changing into my pajamas, I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes for a bit. I rolled onto my side and tried to sleep.

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