Friends Weekend

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I sat on the couch in the living room, staring at the television as the space channel played. John and Sue had left for work earlier this morning leaving me home alone. As I stared at the television screen, my thoughts wondered. I thought about my father, Drake and my mother who I have no memories of. I wondered if Drake had left my father and started a new life on his own. My father - who I hoped I would never see again - turned up only a couple of days ago. Some knocking on the front door broke me out of my trance and I got up to answer it. As I swung open the front door, Kai stood on the other side of it.
'Hey Kora.'
'Uh hi?' Kai scratched the back of his head and cleared his throat.
'I tried calling you but you didn't pick up.'
'My phone's upstairs.'
'Ah. I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out or something.' I leaned against the door frame, my arms crossed. Kai kept his eyes lowered and hung his head down.
'Sure.' He looked up in surprise.
'Seriously?' I smiled.
'Yeah, why not.' Kai grinned and I stepped to the side, letting him in. I led him to the lounge room and we sat on the couch in silence.
'So, what did you wanna do?' Kai shrugged.
'I don't know.' Shaking my head, I stood up.
'We can go over to Mark and Jackson's. I'm pretty sure Jackson's parents aren't home.' Kai followed me out the front door and we headed next door to Mark and Jackson's. Before I knocked on the door it swung open, revealing Mark. He smiled at me until he saw Kai.
'What's he doing here?'
'He came over and I thought we could all hang out at yours.' Mark opened his mouth to reply when a shout from inside the house cut him off.
'AH SHIT! DAMN THAT BLOODY HURT!' Mark ran back inside and I walked in through the door, Kai behind me. I told Kai to wait in the lounge room and headed to the kitchen where I could smell blood. Jackson sat on the kitchen bench while Mark cleaned a pretty bad cut on his arm.
'Jackson what did you do?' Jackson whimpered when Mark pulled out pieces of glass and ran an alcohol wipe over the cut. Jackson bit his lip and answered me.
'I just happened to bump my head on the top cupboard which just had to be open and contain a glass vase. The vase just decided to fall out and hit my arm, cutting it with all the glass.' Mark wiped away the excess blood and sighed.
'You idiot.' Jackson pouted and mumbled.
'Sorry.' Mark kissed Jackson's forehead and helped him off the bench. Jackson stared at the cut and frowned.
'That's not going to disappear for a while is it?' Mark shook his head.
'No.' Jackson whined.
'But everyone will stare.' Mark thought for a moment before he looked at me.
'Can you go to the lounge room? We'll be there soon. Also just tell Kai that Jackson hit his head.' I left the kitchen and sat down on the couch next to Kai.
'Everything okay?' I nodded and leaned back into the comfort of the cushions.
'Jackson just hit his head.' Kai nodded and the smell of blood reached my nose. So that's why Mark wanted me to leave, so he could give Jackson blood to get rid of the cut.

The two walked into the lounge room and sat on the couch across from Kai and me. Jackson leaned into Mark and yawned.
'So what do we want to do?' Kai shrugged. Mark tugged at his hoodie sleeves and I decided to suggest something seeing as how the other three had nothing to see.
'Why don't we go into town today and maybe go into the woods tomorrow?' Kai nodded.
'Sounds good.' I looked over to Mark and Jackson. Mark shrugged and Jackson sat up, excited.
'We can go shopping. Oh! And we can eat lunch at that new little street food shop that opened up!' Jackson looked at Mark, bouncing happily as he sat.
'Can we Mark? Please~.' Mark sighed and gave in when Jackson decided to use puppy dog eyes.
'Alright, we can go.' Jackson jumped onto Mark and hugged him. I smiled and stood up.
'Well come on then. Let's go.' We all left the house and stood out the front.
'So, how exactly do we plan on getting into town exactly?' I stared at the three boys while they all thought about my question. Jackson stared at the shed next to the house.
'We could take the bikes.' Mark shook his head.
'Not enough helmets.' Jackson nodded.
'Oh yeah. Well then I don't know.' Kai sighed.
'We could just walk.' I shrugged.
'Probably the only way we're going to get there.' The three guys nodded and we started walking. Along the way, I slipped but was saved from falling by a pair of arms that wrapped around my waist.
'You alright?' I nodded and Kai let me go. We kept walking and eventually made it into town. Jackson made us all go into a hat store. As he scanned through the caps, Mark looked at the beanies while Kai and I looked at the different types of hats and beanies they had. Jackson selected a new cap and went to the register along with Mark who grabbed a beanie. Kai grabbed a red cap and went to pay for it. I followed him to the register and waited while they all paid.

Once they all got their choice of hats, we went into a clothes store. Mark and Jackson went to look at the shirts while I followed Kai to the jacket section. He grabbed a few different ones and tried them on. The first was a dark denim jacket, the second a leather one and the third was a brown aviator jacket. The denim jacket suited him the best out of all three, I wanted to tell him but I kept quiet. It's not like I was his girlfriend or anything. We were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Kai turned to me and held up the three jackets.
'Which one?'
'Which one looked better?' I blinked at him, confused as to why he was asking me.
'Why are you asking me?' Kai smiled.
'You're my friend. Friends help each other out with these things. So, which one?' I looked at the dark denim jacket and pointed to it.
'That one.' Kai nodded and put the other two back on the racks.
'Thanks for the help Kora.' I smiled and followed him to the counter. Jackson appeared with Mark, both holding some shirts.
'Kora you need to buy some stuff too.' Jackson stared at me.
'I'll get some stuff later.' They all paid for their items and we headed back out onto the street. Jackson shoved me into a women's clothes shop and followed me in.
'You are buying something today.' I looked at Jackson, his face told me I didn't have a choice. Sighing, I looked around and went over to the shirts. Jackson scanned through the racks on one side while Mark looked on the other. Kai just followed me. Jackson handed me two shirts and Mark gave me another two.
'Go try them on!' I didn't have a choice as Jackson dragged me towards the change rooms. I went into one and closed the door. I tried on the first shirt, which ended up being a singlet and looked at it. It was dark purple, a cross on it made of silver patterns. The second shirt was also a singlet. Stupid Jackson. It was plain black, a small eagle in electric blue went down the side. The two shirts Mark picked out were both blue. One had a white unicorn's head on it, the neck of it dripping down like blood. The second one had a black rose on it. I had to admit, they both picked shirts I'd wear. I exited the change rooms and looked at Jackson, defeated.
'Alright. You win. I'll get them.' Jackson grinned and I went over to the register.

Once I paid we left and headed to the small street food store Jackson mentioned earlier. We scanned the menu and selected some food each. Jackson and Mark got some chicken sticks while Kai and I got fried chicken. We all sat down at a bench and started eating. I shivered slightly from the cold and Kai took off his new jacket he put on after he bought it.
'Here.' I looked at Kai as he put the jacket on me.
'Warmer?' I nodded and looked at my feet. Kai's jacket radiated off warmth that came from Kai's body when he was wearing it. The jacket smelt like Kai as well, chocolatey with a hint of mint. I pulled it closer around me once I finished eating and waited for my friends to finish they're lunch. Mark stood up and stretched.
'You guys done?' Jackson jumped to his feet and grabbed onto Mark's hand. Kai nodded and got up and I followed. We started walking back towards Mark and Jackson's house. Kai stopped before we left the main part of town.
'I live that way. I'll see you guys tomorrow?' Mark and I nodded but Jackson shook his head.
'You guys could just stay at ours. Mum and Dad aren't home for a while anyway.' I agreed and looked at Kai. He bit his bottom lip in thought.
'I'd have to go home to get some extra clothes though.' Jackson shrugged.
'Just come over later then.'
'Alright.' I waved to Kai as he walked off before I followed the other two back to theirs.
'I'll be over in a minute. I'm just gonna drop these home.' Jackson waved and I dashed back to my place and went up to my room. I grabbed a small bag and put an extra pair of clothes in it as well as pajamas.

I walked back over to Mark and Jackson's and went inside. Mark was setting up three mattresses in the lounge room.
'Hey. I'm guessing you and Jackson are sharing a bed.' Mark nodded and gestured his head to the one next to theirs.
'That's yours.' I sat down on mine and looked over at the one on the other side of Mark and Jackson's mattress.
'You don't trust Kai near me do you?' Mark shook his head and sat down next to me.
'Considering you're still wearing his jacket, no I don't' I rolled my eyes and shoved him away. He laughed and rolled onto his and Jackson's mattress. Jackson walked in with Kai and smiled.
'Let the games begin.'
'Jackson, we are NOT playing truth or dare.' Jackson pouted at me.
'Why not?'
'Because I said so.' Jackson turned to Mark, whining. Because Mark couldn't resist his boyfriend he shrugged.
'If Jackson wants to play it we will.' I groaned and fell onto my back. This was going to be a long night.

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