Vampire Filled Weekend Part 1

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Beep.....beep......beep. Groaning, I rolled over and slammed my hand down on the annoying thing that made the sound. Sitting up, I rubbed my face sleepily, my ears twitching as I heard noise coming from downstairs. Going to lay back down, the smell of pancakes made its way into my room and I got up, heading downstairs. Slumping into a bench stool, I crossed my arms on the bench and rested my head on them.
'Good morning sleepy head.'
'Morning grandma.' I managed to get out before yawning. Sue smiled and placed a plate of delicious looking pancakes in front of me.
'Here you go sweetie.' I smiled gratefully and began eating the doughy treat. After I had finished off the pancakes I went back upstairs to change. Throwing on a singlet and shorts, I headed into the bathroom and put my hair up into a high ponytail. As I finished brushing my teeth, the doorbell rang. I heard Sue going to get it as John was at work. I exited the bathroom and headed downstairs as Sue was leading someone into the lounge room.
'Kora! You have guests.' Heading into the lounge room, I saw Mark and Jackson standing near the couch. Sue smiled.
'I'll go get you kids something to drink.'
'Ah, that's okay Mrs Henry, we were going to see if Kora wanted to go into town with us for a bit.' Sue smiled at Jackson and nodded.
'Go ahead. But make sure my granddaughter's back by late ten.' Both of the boys nodded and headed back to the front door.
'C'mon Kora!' Rolling my eyes at Jackson's childish voice I headed to the front door and stared as Mark and Jackson both got onto a motorbike each.
'Are you guys even old enough to be riding those?' Jackson grinned, his fangs showing.
'No, but it's not like we can't use our vampire powers to persuade the police officer.' Mark hit Jackson's head.
'Idiot. We have licenses for them and Jackson's dad is a police officer anyway, he's fine with it.' I nodded and kept standing there until Mark threw a helmet at me. Catching it with ease, I looked to Jackson as he spoke.
'Who are you going to ride with?'
'Um, I don't know.' Jackson sighed over dramatically.
'Just jump on the back of Mark's bike then. Mine's just been cleaned anyway and I wouldn't want it to get dirty.' I shot a glare at Jackson as I made my way over to Mark. Getting onto the back of his bike, I put on the helmet.
'Hold on.' I wrapped my arms around Mark's waist and he sped off, after Jackson. We rode down the highway, Jackson yelling out.
'Wooo!' Mark chuckled and I smiled. Eventually we slowed as we headed into town. Parking outside the shops, we took off our helmets and got off the bikes.
'So why did you two drag me into town?' Jackson grinned.
'We want to show you some things.' He began walking, Mark and I following.
'Just so you know, I actually have no idea what he wants to show you.' I looked at Mark then looked back ahead. Eventually Jackson stopped and stood in front of a barely visible path. Mark blinked and looked at Jackson.
'We're taking her there?' Jackson nodded and turned around, beginning to walk again. Mark followed, with me behind him. After a while I heard the sound of running water.
'Where are we going?' Mark tilted his head back to look at me.
'We're almost there.' I frowned and jogged up so I was beside Mark who was just behind Jackson.
'Guys seriously where are-'Jackson cut me off with an excited yell.
'We have arrived!' The three of us walked into a small clearing. The sound of water made me look up and I gasped. In front of us stood a huge waterfall, running into a small pool of water. Trees stood tall, blocking off anything that could see from above. Sun rays shone down on the water from between the trees. I looked to my left and saw Jackson running towards the water before he jumped in, splashing water everywhere. Mark sat on a rock in the sun, overlooking the water. I wondered over to the water's edge and dipped my feet in, expecting it to be cold, not...warm? Jackson swam around happily, occasionally splashing water around and hitting my legs. I recoiled and went over to the rock Mark was sitting on and stood on the edge of it. Looking down, I saw it was only a meter above the water.
'Jackson! Move will ya!' Jackson looked up before moving out of the way. I walked back then ran forwards and jumped off the rock. I hit the water and swam back up to the surface, grinning.
'This is great!' I felt water hit the back of my head and turned around. Jackson stuck his tongue out and went under. I swam around until I was behind him and waited until he came back up. As Jackson hit the surface, I grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him back under. I felt hands grab my legs, before I was yanked under. Jackson and I both came up for air, hearing laughter I looked up to see Mark laughing at us.
'Mark! Jump in already!' I nodded as Jackson yelled out to him. Mark shook his head.
'Nah, I'm good up here in the sun.' Jackson frowned before it turned into a smirk. I looked up at him.
'I've always wondered, why don't we burn up in the sunlight, like vampires do in all those books?' Mark shrugged.
'Dunno, I guess we just don't.' Swimming up beside the rock Mark was on, Jackson looked up and reached out his arm. I watched as Jackson grabbed Mark's arm and pulled him in. As Mark resurfaced, both Jackson and I were laughing. Mark rolled his eyes.
'Oh come on Mark, it's more fun if we all swim.' Mark glared at me for a moment before he sighed.
'You know Mark, with all that sighing you do, it makes you seem like you're old.' I laughed as Mark pushed Jackson under and hit his head when he resurfaced. We spent a few hours swimming, then laid out on a rock in the sun.

It was nice and peaceful until Jackson's stomach decided to talk to him.
'Ah, lunch time.' The three of us got up and headed back down the path and back onto Main Street. We wondered down the street until Jackson stopped outside a burger place.
'Can we please eat here?'
'Yes. Now move so I can go in.'
'So cold Mark.' Mark ignored him as he walked inside.
'C'mon Jackson, stop pouting.' I brushed past him and into the burger place. The smell of meat hit me and I licked my lips hungrily. Looking up at the menu along the top of the wall, I read through the choices. Jackson sat in a booth near the back, Mark wondering over there, asking him what he wanted. I smiled at the two of them before frowning slightly, were we even friends? Pushing the thought aside, I made my over to the booth and sat down across from Jackson.
'What one do you want Kora?'
'Mark ~ why are you nicer to her?' Jackson whined.
'I'll just get the beef burger.' Mark nodded and headed off to order, leaving me with a sulky Jackson.
'Stupid Mark, treats her nicer than me, his best friend. Humph.' I raised an eyebrow at Jackson's childishness.
'Why do you get upset when Mark doesn't treat you as nice as you would like him too?' Jackson looked at me through half lidded eyes.
'Because we've known each other since we were one. I've been there for him through everything, you haven't and he still treats you better.'
'Maybe because he's comfortable enough around you and sees you can take care of yourself. Maybe he thinks he can treat you like that because you two are as close as brothers. He looks out for you, and he actually asks you things before me. Jackson don't worry, seriously you mean a lot to him. You guys are really good friends, I can't see you two ever hating each other.' Jackson stared at me as I spoke before breaking out into a small smile.
'Yeah, I guess you're right.' Mark came back over with our lunches on a tray and placed them on the table, sitting down next to Jackson. Grabbing my lunch, I unwrapped it and bit into it, enjoying the juicy beef. We spent the majority of the time eating in silence, too focused on our food to start up a conversation. Sighing in contentment, Jackson leaned back against the chair and waited for Mark and I to finish.
'How come no one questions our eyes?'
'Because they don't see red, they see dark brown.'
'What do you mean?'
'They see dark brown because you can't notice they're red unless you're really close.' Mark nodded besides Jackson while we spoke and finished off his burger. He turned to Jackson.
'Ready to go?' Jackson nodded and Mark turned to me.
'You good to go?'
'Yeah.' The three of us got up and headed out, back onto the street.

'Where are we going now?' Jackson smiled.
'Thought you might like to get back to nature!' Mark rolled his eyes. We walked into a gate covered in vines, a plaque on them labelled "Asheville Botanical Gardens". I blinked.
'You're taking me here?' Jackson nodded.
'You bet!' We strolled into the gardens and walked passed the many flowers and plants. To be honest, it was alright. We walked along the stony path, listening as birds chirped in the trees above. We ended up at the lake in the centre of the park. Ducks and swans were scattered around, in and out of the water. Little kids with their families were feeding the ducks or chasing them around. Jackson sat down on the grass in the sun, Mark lying down beside him. I sat down beside Mark and watched the little kids feeding the ducks. I smiled slightly and leaned my weight back on my arms.
'I don't think I'll ever get used to this.' Jackson turned his head to me and smiled.
'You've got eternity to get used to the outside world Kora.' I smiled and turned my attention back to the lake. Eternity. That sounded good. Eventually I'd be on my own though. Sue and John would be dead within another 30 or so years.
'You won't be on your own. We'll still be around.' I turned my attention to Mark.
'Mark can read minds.' Mark hit Jackson's head, a habit he seemed to have I figured out.
'The thoughts sometimes just make their way into my head, especially when I'm relaxed.' I nodded and turned to Jackson.
'What can you do?'
'Not here Jackson.' Jackson's lips pushed out into a slight pout as he looked at Mark. He turned to me and grinned.
'I can turn invisible.'
'That's pretty neat.' We spent a couple more hours at the gardens before Mark decided we should be heading home. We walked back to the bikes that were parked on Main Street. Climbing onto Mark's bike, my helmet already on, I wrapped my arms around his waist as we drove off back towards our houses. We sped up once we were off the main road and pulled up outside my place. I hopped off the bike and gave my helmet to Mark but he shook his head.
'Keep it. We'll come back tomorrow, promise.' I nodded and waved goodbye as they drove off.

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