St. Louis

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I can't lie, I don't know how but I was like God damn have mercy. Regular attire, fan attire, dress or casual she is so easy on the eyes. Sheeeeeeeesh.

Anyways, any guys in here like the lady taking charge? Can't be just me.



There is one problem with government. And it doesn't matter what nation it is. Yes there are jokes that go along in countries that can take a joke, but they all start from one reason. Angry men not getting things done properly. It's been going on since the structures started. And yet, no matter which President, Prime Minister, Dictator, or any form of government upon them, it all remains the same as far as concept. Angry men not getting it done. It could be the wrong move, the right move, or flat out just taking too long. 

It was dark as the important men were in an all day meeting. It started briefly at 9 AM. Then around 1 PM they had taken a lunch break. Even after, they had a fifteen minute recess for breaks to freely make phone calls, use the bathroom, and do what they have to do. Though soon enough as things needed to clear up the sun was going down. The natural light was gradually fading away until the lights came on and really did something. It was too much. A long day as around 7 PM came. Everyone was happy to finally leave. 

Some were heading off to the pub. Typical thing for a long day's work but the men. Others were going straight home. And as for Commander (LN), he was being stopped by the Prime Minister Winny Hill (You might have heard me use this name in my Sheffield story). 

"Commander Sir." Smile Sir Hill.

"Prime Minister." Commander nodded.

"I managed to have someone pick up the tele and arrange for your ride home. Unfortunately I just had news and I am being summoned. Dreadfully sorry." Replied Sir Hill.

"No worries Sir Hill. Do hope you get some rest after your eventful day."

"Not too much nonsense today. Rather be there until midnight than coming here tomorrow to do it again."


Sir Hill shook the Commander's hand. "I bid you a good evening. And don't hesitate to take tomorrow off either."

"If you say so Sir. I'll be on call worst case."

"Enjoy." Sir Hill winked at him and left him with that. As he and the other men around him in suits had somewhere to be. Whether that would be another pub, a restaurant, or who knows what the occasion would be. 

Commander was left in thought as it was now just him waiting at the curb. Waiting to see if he was getting a call, or something would just happen. As everyone has filed outside and out of sight, it was just him at the curb. He was tired. Just hoping to have a bath, a hot meal, and rest. And this 'day off' is not a promise. It's more of a suggestion.

An exotic car pulled around the circle where he was standing. The scissor door to the car opened up. "Commander Sir. I'm here to escort you."

He looked over. It was St. Louis. If her dress was any more sexy it wouldn't be called a dress. Her blue hair almost perfect and heels glistening as she stepped out. How could a ride be this pleasant. What's hotter? Her, the car, or the dress?

"St. Louis? Fancy seeing you here. What's the special occasion?" Asked Commander.

"Let me get the door for you."

"Oh?" He asked.

"You're not driving. Let me get you back to my apartment. Dinner is waiting and Edinburgh brought over some fresh clothes for you so you can get in the bath after." She got out of the car. Amazing the muscles in her thighs don't reveal a pantyshot on the way out of the driver seat in that low car. Over to the other side to open the door for him. "Now allow me."

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