Can We Go Back to the Start?

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I open the door to my apartment.

"Go into the bathroom." Electra says to me.

I walk to the bathroom and scream when I look in the mirror.

It's me only blonde. My roots are showing. A heart clearly displayed on my cheek.

"Remember this, M? Remember it? It can all be yours again. You just have to jump."

My eyes widen.

"Y-y-you're not real." I mutter.

"Oh yes I am darling! I am very real!" I pinch myself, probably for the tenth time in the past week, hoping to wake up.

"You're not dreaming, stupid. Admit it. You love me." The Electra-flection says to me.

"No. I want to be free. I can't do this anymore." I say.

Electra looks angry.

"You're gonna jump out that bathroom window, or I'm gonna make you do it myself. Then I'll be free." She says, the blonde turning strawberry blonde. Her eyes get dark.

"Why are you doing this?" I scream.

"Because you can't get rid of me that easy." She says. "I am inside you, Marina. You created me. But now you can't destroy me."

I begin to cry. I've made a monster.

"Jump, you stupid idiot. Jump. Then I can be out of this reflection!"

That's it! I had to break the mirror.

I grab the can of hairspray under the sink. "Not on my watch, bitch." I smash the mirror, shattering it all of the floor.

I breathe easier.

"You're so damn stupid." Electra says, standing in the doorway.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Then she pushes me out the open window.


I awake in a bed. It's not my apartment. The walls are blank. There is one window.

My wrists are bruised. Probably from the long night of having them tied to the bed.

I look in the corner of the room. Electra stands there, winking and waving her dainty hand.

I scream.

A girl walks in wearing all white. I read her name tag. Her name is Lana.

"How are we today dear? Why so distressed?" She is calming.

A man walks in behind her.

"Hello, Marina. I am your doctor, Derek. We are going to be raising the dosage on your tranquillisers so we don't have anymore fits. Okay?"

I nod.

I take the pills and they leave. Electra sits in the chair next to my bed. Only then do I realise I'm the only one who can see her.

"Right where we need to be... Home."

That's when it hits me.

Electra isn't real. And neither am I.


The End

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