We're Just Savages

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I awake the next morning, my head throbbing. My body hurts. I look around the room looking for my alarm clock. The fluorescent letters read 5:45. I turn to wake Derek up, but he's gone.

I get up from the bed and walk to my bathroom, flipping the light switch on. Red light floods the bathroom. This comes as a shock to me, considering the lights aren't red to begin with. I look in the mirror and stare at my hair. All I can hear is a dripping noise. "This fucking shower..." I say, thinking the faucet is dripping.

I pull back the curtain and scream in terror. Derek is laying in the tub. I shake him. "Derek. Derek wake up. You have to go." He doesn't budge. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" I yell. Then up look up. A note is taped to the shower wall.

"You're very pretty when you sleep. I figured you'd like to see your boyfriend sleep - forever. He knew too much."

This is the part where I'm supposed to tell you I called the police or that I woke up and this was a dream. I had to be dreaming, right?


Derek was really dead.

I began to sob uncontrollably. What was I going to do? How could anyone do this? Who did this? Why? A million questions ran through my mind. But I only had one solution: run away.

I packed a bag and ran out of my apartment into the dark streets. I wish I hadn't done that, though.

Everyone on the street was wearing gas masks. Those post-Victorian era plague masks. I pinched the skin on my hand hoping I would wake up. I just wanted to wait the fuck up.

Realising I wasn't dreaming, I ran down the street into the crowd of mask-clad creeps. The air was thick with ash. It smelled of smoke. I had to have been dreaming.

I reached the end of the street and noticed I was right where I had started:

My apartment.

Authors Note: this story is going to get weirder. I know some of you might not understand what's going on (or how this would even pertain to FROOT or Marina) but trust me- it's all good fun. This story is going to get happy, scary, and all the points in between.

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